King's Business - 1919-11



and those who had traveled along the dusty roads would need to have their feet washed upon entering the house. The custom of reclining at meals gave easy access to the feet of the guests. After Jesus had rendered this service, He said, “I have given you an example,*’ that is an illustration of the principle of greatness through humble service. Feet-washing is not an ordinance to be practiced, but a typical act of condescen­ sion, indicative of the true spirit of a follower of the meek and lowly Naza- rene. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26. Matt. 20:20-28. The Son of Man Came to Minister. Jesus taught that true greatness is in character not in condition. It is the fundamental principle of His kingdom that service constitutes supremacy. The greatest man is he who serves the great­ est number. He left us an example that we should follow in His steps. It is only by losing our life that we can save it. We can only keep what we have by giving it away. We can only get up in the life of faith and love by getting down. The higher Christian life de­ pends upon the lower Christian life. Deep condescension is the root and source of high exaltation. THURSDAY, Nov. 27. Luke 22:24-34. As He That Serveth. The Gospel by Mark is that particular one which reveals Christ as the ideal servant. It shows the Master’s untir­ ing and unselfish service. How He held Himself at the beck and call of everyone in need, how He permitted His leisure to be intruded upon, how He gave time and strength constantly and unreservedly even to those who did not appreciate the giving, even as the faithful shepherd serves the flock com­ mitted to his care! He even paused in his dying agony to make thoughtful pro­ vision for His broken-hearted mother standing at the foot of the cross.

God’s, not ours. We may make it ours and become partners with God. SUNDAY, N ot . 23. Eph. 2:11*22. Fellow Citizens With the Saints Nationality forms a strong binding tie. In a great city there are sections where people from the same country are grouped together. There is a Rus­ sian quarter, an Italian quarter, etc. When we become Christians, our citi­ zenship is in heaven. This links us to the saints of all ages who have con­ fessed that they were strangers and pil­ grims on the earth, and who have looked for a city which hath founda­ tions whose builder and maker is God. A common destiny forms as strong a tie as a common origin. This is cemented by a community of interest. The apos­ tles and martyrs are our brothers and Christ Himself the first-born among many brethren. MONDAY, Nov. 24. John 13:1-12. Jesus Teaches Peter True Greatness. The service of washing the feet of guests was usually performed by a ser­ vant of the household. No such ser­ vant was in attendance in the upper room. This duty would naturally de­ volve upon one of the disciples. Per­ haps one disciple after another looked at the basin and the towel and then at another disciple inquiringly and sug­ gestively. Perhaps the question of pre­ cedence still lingered in their hearts, Luke 22:24, and prevented anyone of them taking such a hint. Then to the surprise and probably the consternation of all, Jesus took the initiative and un­ dertook this menial task. He gave His disciples an impressive and much-needed object lesson in humility and even washed the feet of Judas who was even then plotting to betray Him. TUESDAY, Nov. 25. Jn. 13:13-16, 36-38 Greatness Through Service. Sandals were worn in that country

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