King's Business - 1919-11

JOURNEYS OF JESUS. A Book for Sunday- ¿ S M TeacJers and Bible Students. Pub- lisher s price, $2.25. Agents wanted. Large com- Sdiana* Mennonite Publishing Co., Elkhart,

A GENUINE LEATHER COVER, LOOSE LEAF i t i S S S Book, 50 sheets paper. Your name ,n. K°Id, o» cover. Postpaid, SO cents. i /-£eaf r ? ook Co- Box 6> Station L, New York City, Department No. 10.

A SHORT COURSE IN BOYOLOGY. Greatest campaign of education ever offered. Choice of vocation, sex education, habit control. Per- sonal interviews. Three wonderful lectures, illustrated by the most marvelous motion pic- produced in the educational field. Ask for Prospectus. Ask about our “New Idea” slide rental service. Most satisfactory in Amer- P^rlte i°D ay‘ TheNew-Idea Service Sys- tem, Room 4, Boggs Bldg., Vinton, Iowa. P rm rAm ? H OBJECT SERMONS FOR THE W ii;. ,In Preparing for your Fall and Winter work don t forget to preach a short course of sermons to the children. Send 10 « nV, to P ev- C. H. Woolston, D.D., 1116 So p„a„rw ™ St” Philadelphia, for a “Seeing Truth ja ck et containing the objects and full instruc- tions as to the use and also his new circular on How to Preach to the Children.

A SIDE SPLITTER 1 IF YOU ENJOY A _ hearty laugh and love clean, wholesome humor, S B * n - one °i the funniest books ever written, Ihe Diary ef a Doctor’s Son.” An hour of hysterics. Twenty-five cents postpaid. No 7 nS?rîSi * cceÇted- Pacific Book Co., Dept. 13, 7036 Holmes Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal.

SALE—5 LBS. HAND DIPPED ASS’T A °«m teS. ?.ost pjaid anywhere in the U. S. A ., S5.00. All candy and no box. Nissly Bas­ ket Groceteria, 115 So. Main Ave., Sioux Falls,

Individual Cups [ Used by over 35|00^3nicbSr Clean and Sanitary. Send for atalogandspecialoffer. Trialfree. Thomas Communion Service Co. Box 487 Lima, Ohio

THREE BEAUTIFUL SACRED SONGS WITH musm for the piano: “The Mountain Flower,” vr • „W? i der,fuI, ?iver,” and "His Loving Y °-lc e ’ Sheet Music size, ordinary voicc. All three for 50 cents, postpaid. Order cag” nT LUNDELL, 725 Unity Buflding, Chb

The MbvP “ S U M M A R I Z E D B I B L E ” Two Volumes—Old and New Testaments

or the whole ch apter and striking points abouit Tesus Chm*«* r # c jE | jK g g | T he Price of the Two Volumes is $ 1.25. For Five full year Subscriptions, they will be sent postpaid to y o u r address. Both Old and New Testaments bound in one Volume, cloth with gold lettering, for SIX NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Write names and addresses clearly. THE KING’S BUSINESS

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