APPENDIX VII: OPEN SURVEY & BRIEF ON-SITE QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS INTRODUCTION AND METHODS The Naperville Park District provided an open, non-statistical survey on its website at for a period of approximately two weeks in July for any resident to complete; it asked the same questions included in the separate, statistically valid survey that was sent to randomly selected households. This version of the survey was promoted using social media, email marketing, and print/digital media, to name a few. In total, 1,540 valid surveys were completed. The data were checked for outliers and data entry errors and then then analyzed with version 27 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program and the R Statistics program. Frequencies and descriptive analyses were calculated. Some respondents did not answer all the questions, thus, the number of responses varies among the questions. MAIN FINDINGS OF THE OPEN SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMPLE Age INTRODUCTION AND METHODS The Naperville Park District provided an open, non-statistical survey on its website at for a period of approximately two weeks in July for any resident to complete; it asked the same questions included in the separate, statistically valid survey that was sent to randomly selected households. This version of the survey was promoted using social media, email marketing, and print/digital media, to name a few. In total, 1,540 valid surveys were completed. The data were checked for outliers and data entry errors and then analyzed with version 27 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program and the R Statistics program. Frequencies and descriptive analyses were calculated. Some respondents did not answer all the questions, thus, the number of responses varies among the questions. MAIN FINDINGS OF THE OPEN SURVEY DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMPLE Age Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 99 years old with a median age of 50 years. The majority of respondents (52%) were 40-59 years old. Moreover, 26% of respondents were under 40, 20% of the respondents were ages 60-75 and 2% were 76 and older (Figure 1) . Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 99 years old with a median age of 50 years. The majority of respondents (52%) were 40-59 years old. The median age of respondents is higher than the 2020 Census age of 41 years old. Moreover, 20% of the respondents were ages 60-75 and 2% were 76 and older (Figure 1). Figure 1. Age of Sample
76 + 2% AGE GROUP
60-75 20%
Under 40 26%
40-59 52%
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