2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA


OPEN-ENDED INSIGHTS: CONDITION, UPKEEP AND CLEANLINESS OF FACILITIES Over 100 respondents offered insights into their facility ratings. Their input was analyzed and eight main themes emerged and are summarized below. School Facilities Concerns Respondents expressed concerns about the condition of school facilities. They mentioned that several gymnasiums (Brookdale, Scott, Naperville Central, Cowlishaw, Ranchview, and Hill Schools) need to be updated. A few respondents mentioned that the carpeted gym at one school was an issue and a few reported that gyms are hot in the warmer months. Upkeep/Maintenance Issues (Park District Facilities) Several respondents mentioned bathroom cleanliness in general and two respondents mentioned Sportsman’s Park and the ARRCC bathrooms need attention. A few respondents pointed out maintenance issues they saw at parks. For example, one person said, “field maintenance can be hit or miss” and another said, “Seager Park volleyball area is full of insects and the trail could use more gravel.” Old/Worn Park District Facilities Several respondents mentioned that the ARRCC needs to be updated, and several respondents generally conveyed that some facilities are older and need updating. Crowding Issues Respondents indicated that crowding issues affected their facility ratings. Several respondents mentioned that Fort Hill Activity Center is too crowded. For example, one respondent said “Fort Hill is very clean, but the weight room doesn’t have enough weights and needs a bigger space. Same can be said for the track as two lanes become very crowded…” Pool Needed Respondents mentioned that the Naperville Park District needs an indoor pool. Some respondents specifically asked for a 50-meter lap pool and one individual stated their children find the splash park/pad boring. Space Utilization Issues Respondents mentioned issues regarding space utilization. These comments focused on the requesting of bigger spaces (Seager Park Interpretive Center) and one person mentioned the 95th Street Center seems disconnected from the rest of the facilities. One respondent commented that they noticed unused facility space at Fort Hill Activity Center that could be available for stretching. Facilities Meet Bare Minimum Needs Only five respondents mentioned topics related to existing facilities meeting bare minimum needs. For example, two respondents conveyed that existing facilities are adequate but not spectacular or extraordinary. One respondent indicated they feel some facilities are “refitted to try to fit a need they don’t 100% fit for.” Atmosphere (lighting, noise, temperature, etc.) Respondents mentioned issues with atmosphere. Two mentioned that the 95th Street Center is dingy and that other tenants complained about noise. One respondent mentioned the Studio One was dark, and another mentioned gyms are hot in the summer (also mentioned several times in the category about school facility concerns).


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