Question 4b. Reasons for mentioning “Strongly Disagree”, “Disagree”, or “Undecided” Responses (# of responses) Unfamiliar with Facilities/Programs/Services (N = 35)
Not used in most facilities. I haven’t used the facilities. I picked undecided because I only use Fort Hill, so I cannot comment on the other facilities. I am 85 & unaware of most of these facilities. I don’t know enough and have not used the facilities enough. We only use PD for Fort Hill and Centennial Beach. I have limited opinions regarding other offerings. For the Undecided ones, I simply don’t know enough about them to form an opinion. Haven’t been inside them to judge. I don’t really use any NPD facilities or programs so I cannot comment on their quality. We have only used the community center for a program. Just moved in last year. We are 2 Seniors. The only places I have used recently are the neighborhood and large parks. I cannot comment on the programs or indoor facilities in specifics. I'm relatively new to the area so I am unaware just how many indoor facilities there are. I use Fort Hill indoor track and group fitness solely at this point. Was not aware of all the indoor facilities listed in the questionnaire. Not have enough information to make the judgement. I don’t really use. I cannot form a strong enough opinion either way based on my limited experience or exposure. Never used any of the listed facilities, no info about all the listed facilities. Don’t use. Some of the indecision comes from not having had personal experiences in said facilities. I have not used any of the facilities or activities. I have never used any of the facilities so I cannot say if it is a good value for the money, how the NPD staff are, and whether it is safe or not. The complex I reside in has an outdoor pool, a heated indoor pool, a jacuzzi, a sauna and nicely equipped workout rooms.
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