2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA



As a city that is known to have the largest summer swim conference in the country it is a shame there isn’t an indoor pool facility for kids to continue. Club swim moves locations every day and has to practice in the high school pools, which not only is inconvenient from a practice perspective it is problematic for schools to have to share space as well. Would love an indoor pool for laps and lessons. Need an indoor pool! I am disappointed that we do not have at least one indoor pool. Swimming is a popular sport for all ages in Naperville. Unfortunately, and especially since the abrupt closure of Naperville Edward Elmhurst Fitness Center there are not enough indoor pools to support popular swimming programs. I am part of a master’s swim program. I drive 20 minutes to Woodridge; others drive to Westchester. State meets for non-school-related programs are held in Indiana. Please consider at least one indoor pool !!! We need an indoor pool please!!! So many other communities have one. Our only option is a very expensive private gym for an indoor pool. We need a better aquatic facility!! Indoor pool absent A pool/aquatics center would be great in this area! My husband and I use private facilities for swimming and competitive tennis. I also feel park district pool would be beneficial to the community. I would like to see the park district offer an indoor swimming facility. There are no indoor pools, of the biggest sports in Naperville There is need for an indoor pool. Need indoor swimming, water aerobics, winter lap pool. Aging community needs low impacts options. Kids need lessons, winter recreation. Indoor aquatic facility Because there is no community outdoor or especially indoor Pool for the South Naperville area. There is a strong need for an indoor pool or community Aquatic Center with large pool and/or water park. The indoor aquatic center could be utilized for the whole south community, as well as other residents of Naperville for both recreation and sport. The local swim clubs can use this for practices and meets instead of using Neuqua Valley and Waubonsie Valley. Fox Valley Swim Club and Maverick swim club it could also be utilized for local and regional swim meets. There should be more options for indoor pools for adults or for any age groups to swim in as an individual cardiovascular activity. Lack of Sport Facilities/Infrastructure (N = 17) The city should have an indoor turf facility. Add water activities like Bolingbrook pelican harbor. Should also have ice rink so residents aren’t going to neighboring facilities. No serious community sports facility.



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