2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA



There isn’t enough marketing to Naperville residents. I didn’t know about most of the facilities listed until this survey. We receive mailings and such about many other Naperville programs like the library but nothing about the park district facilities & options. I would like more communication about offerings from the NPD. I am not familiar with any of the facilities. I do not receive any information about them to my knowledge. We do not have young children at home and as seniors, we are looking for convenient, affordable options to have gym and sauna activities. We use private clubs and facilities to meet this need currently. NPD website is often difficult to navigate and/or find information Need more marketing for programs and need more programs for special needs teen and adults Marketing could be way better I think there could be more ways to get the word out about programs. the quarterly catalog is so big that it is hard to find things in it. I'm not sure the answer, though. Lack of Facilities in Other Areas of Naperville (N = 12) The location of some facilities is not convenient for where I am located. I think most things are in western Naperville. Finally, Fort Hill is nice but far and small for the fact it is supposed to serve all of Naperville. Maybe if there was a similar facility to Fort Hill in Fort eastern or central Naperville with a pool it would make more sense. Could use an additional recreation center on the other end of town and an indoor pool. The facilities are not convenient to my neighborhood. It is also unfortunate for people on the North side to drive all the way to the South side (i.e., Frontier and Commissioners) for outdoor soccer. It would be great to have available fields of that size on the North side as well. We used to have our Yoga class at the Ruben Center but now need to use Fort Hill because of a lack of space at the Rubin Center. Most of us find the Rubin Center more convenient. My area should have more access to community facilities and activities as we are the last subdivision and often feel neglected No indoor sport facilities near 95th and 59 area There are no dance classes for kids under 5 in south Naperville Fort hill is too far from home. The only programs I am aware of from the list are Fort Hill and Knoch Knolls. Not familiar with the other locations and what they have to offer. I have used Fort Hill, but it is far from my house and tough to get to with traffic. If there were a closer location like Fort Hill, I would use it. Familiar with the nature center at Knoch Knolls but have not been there. Our kids are now older (18 & 21) so no longer applicable. We have lived in Naperville for 25 years.



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