2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA


Funding Options for a Potential New Activity Center Development of another Multi-purpose Activity Center may require a bond referendum. A bond referendum is a ballot question asking voters if they agree to authorize an entity to issue bonds to increase revenue for a project. In this case, the ballot question would ask voters if they agree to authorize the Naperville Park District to issue bonds to increase revenue to build a new indoor activity center. *Note: THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO PLANS FOR THE NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT TO PROPOSE A BOND REFERENDUM . The purpose of this question is to understand the community’s interest to support financially the addition of indoor recreation space, and to be transparent about how we gather data to inform future planning and decisions. 7a. Below are several potential funding scenarios for you to consider. Please review each scenario and answer the questions by checking the box that corresponds with your answer. Statement Yes No Undecided

Would you support a $55 million bond issue to build a Multi- Purpose Activity Center (No Indoor Pool) with similar amenities to Fort Hill Activity Center? The estimated property tax increase would be $60 per year for 20 years for a taxpayer whose estimated home value is $440,000. Would you support an $80 million bond issue to build a Multi- Purpose Activity Center (with an Indoor Pool) and other similar amenities to Fort Hill Activity Center? The estimated property tax increase would be $85 per year for 20 years for a taxpayer whose estimated home value is $440,000.

Would you support a $70 million bond issue to build a Multi- Purpose Activity Center (with Synthetic Turf) and other similar amenities to Fort Hill Activity Center? The estimated property tax increase would be $75 per year for 20 years for a taxpayer whose estimated home value is $440,000. 8a. In which region(s) of the community would you support developing a Multi-purpose Activity Center? Please select all locations that you support.

North (North of 75 th St.)

South (South of 75 th St.)

East (East of Washingto n St.)

West (West of Washingt on St.)

Undecided / Not Sure

Do Not Support


Develop another Multi-Purpose Activity Center (No Indoor Pool) Develop a Multi-Purpose Activity Center (with an Indoor Pool) Develop a Multi-Purpose Activity Center (with Synthetic Turf)



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