As a part of the Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment for the Naperville Park District, research was conducted on other indoor recreation facilities located within an approximate 12-mile radius of the center of the Park District’s jurisdiction. The information from similar providers focuses on the type of amenities and offerings they provide to the Naperville community. Similar providers are a blend of public and private fitness facilities, other park districts, and some school districts. Fifty-one similar providers were researched to obtain information about the amenities and offerings they provide. The purpose of this report is to provide comprehensive information in an organized approach as the District evaluates its spaces and programs to accommodate growth in recreation participation. This report will also be a part of the entire study as the District is challenged with decisions to develop other indoor areas and programs to potentially make adjustments in their operations and continue their success in serving residents of Naperville.
Woodridge Park District - Athletic Recreation Center (ARC)
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