Both the District and PROS Consulting gathered information on similar providers via phone and email conversations and facility websites. Findings were compared across facilities. Detailed charts provide comprehensive information about amenities and offerings while bar graphs demonstrate key information about notable similar providers. PROJECT APPROACH ɀ Anytime Fitness
ɀ Lisle Recreation Center (Lisle Park District) ɀ The Matrix Club (Play N Thrive Club) ɀ The Naperville Tennis Club ɀ The Recreation Center / 4500 Fitness (Downers Grove Park District) ɀ Naperville Yard ɀ North Central College ɀ PARC (Plainfield Park District) ɀ Parks Plus Fitness (Wheaton Park District) ɀ Pelican Harbor (Bolingbrook Park District) ɀ Rush Copley Health Plex ɀ Supreme Courts Basketball ɀ Sure Shot Pickleball ɀ TOCA ɀ VASA Fitness ɀ Vaughan Center (Fox Valley Park District) ɀ Warrenville Recreation Center (Warrenville Park District) ɀ Wheatland Athletic Association ɀ Wheaton Sports Center ɀ Pickled (Wheaton) ɀ Pickled (Woodridge) ɀ Picklr ɀ Planet Fitness
ɀ ARC (Woodridge Park District) ɀ Bear Paddle School (Aurora) ɀ Bear Paddle School (Woodridge) ɀ Big Blue Swim School ɀ Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatic Complex (Bolingbrook Park District) ɀ Bulls/Sox Academy (West Suburban Complex) ɀ Calvary Church ɀ Civic Center (Oswegoland Park District) ɀ Community Center (Wheaton Park District) ɀ Community Sportsplex ɀ CUSD 203 (Community Unit School District) – Naperville Central High School (NCHS) ɀ CUSD 203 (Community Unit School District) – Naperville North High School (NNHS) ɀ DuPage Swimming Center ɀ The Edge Fitness Club ɀ Edward Health & Fitness (7 Bridges) ɀ Fitness NOW (Warrenville Park District) ɀ Five Star Tennis Center ɀ FMC Natatorium ɀ Fort Hill Activity Center (Shown as a reference throughout the report) ɀ Fry YMCA ɀ Good Samaritan Health and Wellness Center ɀ Gold Fish Swim School ɀ Healthtrax ɀ Illinois Basketball Academy ɀ Indian Boundary YMCA ɀ IPSD 204 (Indian Prairie School District) – Metea Valley High School ɀ IPSD 204 (Indian Prairie School District) – Neuqua Valley High School ɀ IPSD 204 (Indian Prairie School District) – Waubonsie Valley High School ɀ LA Fitness (Rte 59) ɀ Central Park Athletic Club ɀ Central Athletic Complex ɀ LA Fitness (Fitness Dr) ɀ LA Fitness (Weber Rd) ɀ Lifetime Fitness ɀ Lifestyles Fitness (Bolingbrook Park District)
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