2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA


9. Who are potential partners the Park District should consider in developing a new indoor facility? Potential partners include the school districts, Fry Family YMCA, and local healthcare providers. The Naperville Park District has a history of successful partnerships, including intergovernmental relationships with the City, school districts, and forest preserve districts, as well as use of private providers, like TOCA and the Naperville Yard. Effective agreements with intergovernmental partners, private facilities, and major healthcare or hospital systems are suggested. Collaborating with the Fry Family YMCA for other purposes beyond traditional recreation could be an option if a partnership existed at another facility for traditional recreation activities. These partnerships could leverage existing resources and expertise to develop a new indoor facility that meets the community’s diverse needs effectively. 10. What do you feel are the greatest obstacles that the Park District must overcome to receive financial support from residents to add or expand indoor recreation space? It is important for the Park District to explain why the indoor space is needed through use of clear rationale. Additionally, the District must address the north/south divide in Naperville, providing benefits to the entire community, leverage strong community partnerships and focus on family needs to increase the availability of popular programs and reduce registration stress. Continuing to

work with the business community and stakeholders as well as strategically timing any referendum are important considerations. It is also important to address the indoor aquatics question to receive direction from the community on whether the amenity is supported. The facility should not compete with existing offerings and must add to the quality of life within the community, including those with special needs. Addressing geographic, demographic, access, cost of living, and tax concerns will help in gaining broader community support. 11. Do you have any other comments, issues, or concerns regarding the Park District or indoor recreation space needs assessment? Additional interests include expanding tech programs and coding while also providing amenities like food and coffee options and remote work areas if a facility is near the 95th Street Library. Continued responsiveness and engagement with residents, quantifying community interactions for informed recommendations, and maintaining excellent parks and recreational amenities are emphasized. Fort Hill Activity Center is highly regarded, and there is a call for ensuring communication and continued partnerships without competing with other providers. The Park District’s involvement in future visioning discussions and improving scheduling processes with WDSRA are also noted as important considerations to address community needs effectively.


Through the key leader interviews, five themes surfaced as the most important and most often mentioned. These themes as well as details associated with them will be used in other areas of the overall report and will influence considerations made by key leaders in the Naperville Community. These five themes are: ɀ There is community interest for increased indoor aquatic facilities of all types including lap lanes, therapeutic warm water, and water play options. ɀ A need is present for expanded and diverse recreational programs to accommodate the existing population as well as future growth. ɀ Engagement with and support from residents is essential. ɀ The location and accessibility to indoor recreation is an important consideration. ɀ Community partnerships should continue to be utilized and expanded.


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