2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA


The Naperville Park District, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Office of Recreation and Park Resources (ORPR) faculty and graduate students, and Williams Architects staff facilitated two open house events in June 2024. Open House #1 was conducted by the Naperville Park District on Sunday, June 2 from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Kite Fly Event at Frontier Sports Complex. Open House #2 was conducted by the Naperville Park District, UIUC, and Williams Architects on Tuesday, June 11 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Fort Hill Activity Center. Williams Architects provided display boards for the open houses. The boards included a welcome board with a QR code that attendees scanned to access the open house questionnaire. There were six (6) additional boards that identified the major categories of indoor recreation programs including program/multi-use, athletics, turf, health & fitness, placemaking, and aquatics. Each board included photos of example indoor recreation programs. The intent of the display boards was to evoke ideas and conversation with Naperville Park District residents about indoor recreation spaces and encourage them to complete an open house questionnaire and a public survey. The survey was made available to a stratified random sample of selected residents as part of a statistically-valid initiative, with the same survey questions offered on the Park District’s website for anyone to complete. See the Appendix section for copies of the display boards. Residents of Naperville Park District who attended the open houses commented on the types of indoor recreation spaces and programs that they currently enjoyed. They also asked questions about current and future recreation programs. Residents discussed types of indoor programs that they would like to see the District provide in the future.

Special Recreation Art Program


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