2024 11 13 NPD IRSNA


Residents were asked to rate the overall quality (e.g. condition, upkeep, cleanliness) of the Naperville Park District’s indoor recreation facilities on a scale from excellent to poor, with an unsure/cannot judge option (Figure 8) . The top three facilities perceived favorably were Fort Hill Activity Center (63% excellent to good), Knoch Knolls Nature Center (54% excellent to good), and school facilities (38% excellent to good). The three lowest rated facilities were school facilities, Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center (ARRCC), and Knoch Knolls Nature Center. It is important to note that only school facilities received poor ratings, and fair ratings were all under 2%. Therefore, the lower ratings for school facilities are the most significant finding while other unfavorable rankings are less significant. It is important to note that for most facilities, the majority of respondents indicated that they were unsure/cannot judge the quality, suggesting that some facilities are not well known in the community. Additionally, the total percentages of favorable and unfavorable facility rankings may be misleading when comparing facilities because the number of unsure/cannot judge responses changes the proportions of favorable to unfavorable responses. For example, 94% of responses for Studio One and Sportsman’s Park indicated that they are unsure/cannot judge the quality, and only the remaining 6% have favorable and unfavorable perceptions to share. The percentage of favorable or unfavorable responses appear small compared to better- known facilities even though the ratio of favorable to unfavorable responses is similar. Thus, the results should be interpreted with caution and comments help explain these results. CONDITION, UPKEEP, AND CLEANLINESS OF INDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES

Figure 8: Condition, Upkeep and Cleanliness of Indoor Recreation Facilities


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