CEI Giving Magazine 2024


JORDAN OUTSTANDING FACULTY KACEY CALL Kacey is the kind of person who sees what needs to be done and makes it happen— often from the ground up. One example of this is when she

felt that all CEI nursing faculty needed to have at least a basic understanding of simulations and how they work. She created a day-long SIM conference to teach this to our faculty and some others. That training she created is now used by other institutions to teach their faculty. She uses her talents this way because she is very student-focused and dedicated to the students getting the best training and clinical experience.



College of Eastern Idaho and the CEI Foundation are lucky to have many wonderful friends. For instance,

OUTSTANDING ADJUNCT FACULTY KIM MILLER Kim Miller teaches Anatomy and Physiology, but there is more to what she brings to CEI than just teaching a class or two. Kim takes time to help

Idaho Environmental Coalition has been, in one form or another, at every one of the 15 editions of The Great Race for Education. But there’s more to it than that. They have a representative on the CEI Foundation board of directors and the Workforce Training advisory board, they hire our students, promote who we are in the community, donated to the Future Tech building project, and do what you need a good friend to do—they help us succeed!

people become comfortable with the material. She will often stay after class and keep her office hours to help students. She also developed a new curriculum for her own labs and polished some existing labs. This happens as a result of her working with other instructors to match their curriculum. We are grateful that she goes above and beyond in her work.

CONTRIBUTORS OF THE YEAR RICK & LINDA AMAN In 2017 Rick & Linda left their home on the western side of Idaho and came to a small technical college on the eastern

OUTSTANDING STAFF MEMBER BAILEY WINN Bailey is no stranger to the CEI Foundation—she worked for us for eight years. She has

side of the state. Rick retired as the inaugural president of College of Eastern Idaho. In his time here, that small technical college became CEI, enrollment grew 270%, the quality of the college’s programs improved, and we are in the middle of constructing a building on campus. Linda is an award-winning artist and teacher who is well known in the western United States as an artistic force. We don’t have space to list all her awards, exhibitions, juried shows, gallery showings, and shows where she’s been a featured artist. But it bears mentioning that she was artist-in-residence at Yellowstone National Park a few years ago. Many of her delightful works graced CEI’s campus for many years. Not only is this accomplished couple great ambassadors for CEI’s mission, but they also created a scholarship endowment many years ago that will help students in perpetuity—which is a very long time.

a big heart for students and wants to do everything she

can to help them. For many years she oversaw the Foundation’s scholarship program, among many other things, and had planning for The Great Race for Education down to a science. Today, Bailey is senior coordinator of Student Life and serves as the advisor for both Phi Theta Kappa and the student senate. She is also a member of the Idaho Falls Civitan Club, and is a Chamber Ambassador where she was awarded the Distinguished Under 40. She will soon earn her master’s degree. Bailey is dedicated and professional. She works hard for CEI and its students.

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