Dandara Living ESG Report


We aim to support those within our supply chain who share similar ESG values to continually improve compliance and Governance practices across the industry. We require the companies and suppliers we work with to adhere to high environmental and social standards, reducing risks associated with unethical practices including modern slavery or environmental risk.

The Dandara Living Sustainable Procurement Statement can be seen on our website and these set our key objectives within this focus area. We aim to:

• Reduce our consumption of natural resources. • Minimise the impact of our projects on the environment and society. • Encourage and support supply chain partners to minimise environmental and social impacts within their operations. • Ensure that ethical, human rights and labour standards are met by all stakeholders. We are therefore working with our supply chain to ensure materials are sustainability sourced and collaborating on takeback schemes to minimise waste produced on site. From a social perspective, we require suppliers to promote local employment where feasible and follow ethical labour standards, including fair wages and safe working conditions. This alignment enhances trust, promotes long-term sustainability, and contributes to resilient business relationships.

MODERN SLAVERY In line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we have developed our Modern Slavery Statement which is available on our website. The statement sets out the steps taken by

The Dandara Group to understand potential modern slavery risks related to our business and to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. Since publication, we have also carried out additional due diligence within areas of perceived risk including audits with our labour agencies and groundworker contractors. We have also ensured the topic is covered in site induction and training, and we are rolling out additional ‘spot the signs’ toolbox talks. All our sites have information posted in multiple languages on what to do if modern slavery is suspected.



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