Collaborative Design in Extension- Using a Modified Game J…

Monday | Activity 1: Engage in Design Process & Activity 2: Decide on Final Deliverables from Jam

Designers and content experts joined the first Zoom meeting of the jam. Participants introduced themselves and shared their interests and expectations for the project.

To start the project and establish project definitions, the team worked on “Activity 1: Engage in Design Process.” This activity began with content experts giving a short presentation reviewing their outcomes and desires based on their research, immersing designers in the content. This presentation fostered discussions and allowed the group to outline the problem, audience, and objective (Table 1).

Table 2. Project Definitions and Deliverables

Project Definitions

“Unpeeled” Game

Problem: The problem represents the main issue that the team is trying to address with the project. In other words, what problem does the intended audience face when learning the content? Audience: The intended audience for the project includes the people who will use the game and in what kind of environment or setting.

Consumers have trouble understanding food labels and are perhaps overspending because of misinformation about “natural,” “organic,” and non-GMO food labels. • Moms ages 25 -40 with kids at home (do grocery shopping for the family), particular focus on lower-income shoppers • To be used possibly in large group workshops and training settings at existing Extension programs

• Short (15 minutes) and replayable rather than a one-time, longer experience.

Objectives: Objectives are the measurable change in the players of the game.

• Clarify consumers’ common misconceptions of food labels (“non - GMO,” “natural,” “organic”) • Empower consumers to make confident grocery shopping decisions based on their needs.

With the problem, intended audience, and project objectives loosely defined, the team moved into the design process. One of the designers shared the transformational design process and led the group in a discussion about the first of three steps in the transformational game design model “Describe the Change” (Table 3). The team reviewed the five key kinds of changes in people (changes in physiology, emotion, behavior, skill, and knowledge) and which were most relevant to the needs of this game. In small groups (Zoom breakout rooms), participants discussed possible changes and defined specific types of changes desired (Figure 1) . They returned to the large group and discussed the second step in design: “Define the doing.” In this step, they talked through the kinds of activities indivi duals need to do to be able to experience change, such as reading labels and comparing that information with what they already know about what can and can’t be a GMO crop. In small groups, the teams talked about the desired change, and


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