Collaborative Design in Extension- Using a Modified Game J…

Part 6: Conclusions The experience of designing a budget-friendly, interactive, educational game for consumers, using a modified game jam approach, was successful for the participants — who enjoyed the experience and felt they learned through the collaboration. In addition, the data and feedback collected from players of the prototype indicate the resulting game had a successful impact on game players. The goal of the game was to inform players about GMO products, while helping shoppers set their own goals for making purchases. Learning objectives included  clarifying food marketing labels regarding the terms “organic” and “GMO”; and  empowering consumers to make science-based decisions that are aligned with their own priorities (such as cost-savings, etc). Players reported learning more about the topic of GMOs and food marketing labels. Although the deliverable was a prototype of one “case file” focused on orange ju ice labeling, it is evident that this gaming product could be expanded to cover a variety of other products or topics. The final products of the “Unpeeled” project included a prototype for testing, research on how it could be expanded, and relationships among team members. It also yielded these guidelines and recommendations on the process, which have already been implemented in other game jam projects by team members.

Explore the Unpeeled game prototype at and provide your feedback.


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