King's Business - 1929-12

December 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s '

true to the profoundest philosophy and principles of the ministry. It is full of wise advice and counsels that may be properly classed as practical. But the thing that has held me . . . has been the spirit living and glowing on all these pages . . . This ‘good minister of Jesus’ has manifestly kept his own soul on top through the half century in which he has been a minister. The ‘spiritual glow’ has not gone, either from his life or calling.” A glance at the topics of these ad­ dresses will give the reader an idea of what is covered: 1, Preliminary Assump­ tions ; 2, A Good Disposition; 3, The En- ergeia of Love; 4, The Poise of Peace; 5, Optimism; 6, St, Paul’s Scheme for Ministerial Culture. Some of the as­ sumptions are: “That the preacher is a good man. While it is not true that every good man is fitted for the ministry, no man is fitted' for it who is not good.” Straight from the shoulder comes this:— “Many a good sermon is wasted, not be­ cause it goes over people’s heads, but be­ cause it is trampled on daily by the preacher’s walk and conversation.” Hu­ miliating, but true. We are reminded that “the minister has the same fight against the world, the flesh and the devil that all good men must wage,” and that his contest is more severe. “More than other men his attainment of vital godli­ ness is a constant and strenuous warfare.” Each topic is treated in a most inter­ esting and helpful way. The language of good, old-fashioned common sense is used. Wholesome humor adds point to the message. Doubleday, Doran Co. Price $1.25.

Fleming Revell Co. Price Board Cover, $1.00; White Goat Skin, $2.50. Blind Spots B y H enry S m ith L eiper The sub-title of the book is “Experi­ ments in the Self Cure of Race Preju­ dice.” By the very practical use of actual experiences between persons of differ­ ent races, Dr. Leiper discusses this press­ ing subject. The book is not a missionary book in the ordinary sense of the term, nor is it especially religious in the same sense. It is thought provoking and in­ tensely interesting from beginning to end. The reviewer found himself applying the tests personally, and is glad to testify that it has been a helpful exercise to him. Published by the New York Friendship Press. 143 pages, not including a fore­ word. Paper, 60c, Bible Animals in Picture and Story B y R obert G. M owat Those working with children will- find this a helpful book. It not only awakens interest regarding the animals, birds and insects mentioned in the Bible, but each story presents the thought of God’s love and care, the effects of the fall of man upon all nature, the necessity of repen­ tance, God’s help in building character, love and reverence due to God, etc. The book is adapted to Intermediates rather than to the Primary grades. .-It is pro­ fusely illustrated. 120 pages. 8 ^ x 654 in­ ches. John Ritchie, Ltd. Cloth. Price $1.00.

The Minister and His Own Soul B y T homas H amilton L ew is , DD„ LL.D.

R eviewed by R ev J ohn H . H unter This book, by the President of the Gen­ eral Conference of the Methodist Protes­ tant Church and President Emeritus of Western Maryland College, is, as its title sets forth, especially intended for min­ isters. It contains six addresses deliv­ ered at “an annual assembly of minis­ ters at Westminster, Maryland, known as The Summer Conference.” Bishop McDowell of the Methodist Episcopal Church furnishes a well-de­ served commendation in his Introduction. He quotes Dr. Charles J. Little as saying, “The problem of the school has been the schoolmaster,” and goes on to say: “In no other occupation is the personal ques­ tion deeper than in the ministry. In a sense so real as to be awful, the problem of the ministry from the first has been the minister.” He points out that any book such as this must be largely, though it may be unintentional, autobiographical. Then he bears this testimony: “This vol­ ume of lectures by President Lewis runs

E N J C y





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