King's Business - 1929-12

S h a r e Y o u r C h r i s t m a s J o y B s sending a parcel of Illustrated Pocket T e sta ­ ments to your Latin-American neighbors who haVe been deprived o f the W o rd for more than 300 years

What theWordWill Do A WOMAN AND TWO PIGS Rev. T. J. Bach, who labored for twenty-one years as a missionary in Latin America, says, “In no country 1 have visited have I seen Christians filled more fully with the Holy Spirit than in Latin America.**

Mr. Bach tells of a woman who secured a copy of Luke’s gospel. She was greatly interested in it. One day the man with whom she was living found her in the kitchen reading it. He was very angry, took it from her and threw it in the fire and went out. After he had gone she put her hand in the fire, snatched the Gospel from the flames, and threw it in the water. She continued to read the burned and water-soaked Gospel and was soundly saved. Years later Mr. Bach met her. Though she had not much of this world’s goods, she offered him two pigs to be sold, and the money was used to spread the Word of God. A Latin-American Flower Girl A R E V O L U T IO N IS T A N D A B IBLE Mr. Bach told of a Christian man who subscribed for their Gospel periodical. A woman in the post-- i office would not deliver the paper, but destroyed each copy as it came to the town. Later she got a bit careless and would tear it in pieces and throw it over the fence. A woman that kept a shop found the pieces, and used them to wrap up cakes of soap. Some distance from the town, out in the forest, lived a revolutionist and drunkard. He went into the town, about eighteen miles, and bought a cake of soap at the shop. As he went home, he began to read the pieces of paper in which the soap was wrapped. He was filled with wonder and amazement at what he read. He went into the town and bought another cake of the same soap in order to get another piece of the periodical. As he went back through the forest, he held the paper up toward heaven and cried to God to show him the truth. He continued to buy the same soap until he had a box of it, and he would patch the pieces of the paper together to get more knowledge of the truth. At length on one of the pieces of paper he saw an offer to send a Bible to anyone who would write for it. He sent for it, and was soundly converted; and when Mr. Bach visited that community there were twenty- six believers who had found the Light, and had been baptized.

W H A T B E T T E R C H R IS TM A S G IF T T H A N T O G IV E T H E W O R D T O P E R IS H IN G SO U L S ? M r. G e o rg e T . B . D av is is le a v in g th is m o n th f o r a n o th e r v isit to L a tin Am e ric a to c o n fe r a b o u t th e d is trib u tio n o f th e S p an ish a n d P o r tu g u e s e T e s tam e n ts . P le a se p r a y f o r G o d ’s g u id an c e a n d b less­ in g a n d p ro te c tio n th ro u g h o u t th e jo u rn e y .

A Mexican Farmer

A Public Letter-W riter

P eter Stam , Jr., Treasurer, The Million T estam ents Campaign, 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

W H A T Y O U R G IF T W IL L D O $2.*50 will send 10 Testaments, $10.00 will send 40 Testaments, $25.00 will send 100 Testaments, $250.00 will send 1,000 Testaments to save perishing souls. Remember that God’s Word will not “return void.** Our Lord said, “I have given them Thy Word.” Will you follow His example? Funds are now in hand for almost half a million Testaments. How many of the second half-million will you send to “work for you** in the hearts of perishing souls in Latin America?


Dear Mr. Stam :

Enclosed find ............... .

for giving the Word of

God to our neighbors in Latin America. Please send me ...........................Prayer Cards to enlist intercession for the work. Name.l!.f.....— .....- ........— ........................................ Address...........i......r.....................................1..............................— .1'..'

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