King's Business - 1929-12

December 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Now When Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem ( Continued, from page 591) express our feeling for you in this way,” and with a swift gesture Elise plunged her hand into the depths of the great holly wreath before her and laid hold on a scarlet ribbon. “All members of the Thin Red Line take hold,” com­ manded Lawrence. They did so, and Uncle Alan found himself surrounded by a red satin strand held by the smiling young people for whom he had spent many a night in prayer. And lo, as the ribbon emerged from the great wreath a red heart-shaped box was jerked out of its hiding place, under the shining leaves and berries, just in front of him. “The gifts of our hearts” was written upon it. That which pleased him most was not the many lovely gifts within, dear though these were, but the little gilded cards from each person present, stating that he or she had given his or her life in full surrender to Jesus Christ, for Him to do with as He willed'—these were beyond price —beyond belief precious to Uncle Alan. He arose at once, and looking earnestly into the dear young faces about him, said: “I have never had in all my life such a valuable Christmas gift as these cards. The Wise Men brought to the Holy Child of Bethlehem, gold and frankincense and myrrh. The fragrance of the frankincense and the death of self in the myrrh are all present in these golden messages from you. I rejoice when I think that each one of you is, as someone has well said, a multiplication table in the Lord’s work. I do not tremble when I remem­ ber the difficulties you will meet, because I know the vic­ tory that is yours in Christ. The Lord who made me a foreign missionary in my youth, and then brought me home with a broken body to be. so wonderfully blessed with you, may see fit to send some of you forth to the fields that are white to harvest. If you feel the call, do not hesitate, do not fear to answer ‘Here am I.’ The call is from the same kind, loving Master who appeared to His disciples after the resurrection with one tender admoni­ tion : ‘Go ye info all the world,: and preach the gospel.’ There is no joy like it! There is no life to be compared with it in richness of experience! There are no marvels or miracles or blessed surprises anything like those that God has reserved for those who serve Him. And yet if you are not called to the front-line trench, do not regret it. Someone has remarked that all the world is a foreign field to the Christian, for his native country is not from hence.” The door of the dining room was quietly opened and Bill the Brilliant inserted a very Christmasy countenance into the aperture. “Come in, Bill,” said Uncle Alan, “and give an account of yourself.” Bill entered bearing a nosegay of mistletoe which he endeavored to fasten over his own ear, and failing to do so, pinned upon the coat of the boy from India. He was greeted with a shout. “I have come,” said Bill, “like a certain adversary who shall be nameless, ‘from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it,’ but not to the undoing of any Job. Uncle Alan! Everybody! I think I have great news for you!” All held their breath, for Bill did not speak lightly. “What would you say if I told, you that the defenses of Althea Sumner are crumbling—the outer defenses, at any ra te ! She is on the point of admitting her own falii-


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