King's Business - 1929-12

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES F o r t e a c h e r s , o f f ic e r s , a d u l t B ib l e s tu d en ts I s s u e d e v e r y w e e k . . . rich and varied contents . . . how the most successful churches and Sundayrschools do their work . . . a galaxy of Sunday-school lesson-helps found nowhere else. . . brilliant surveys of world wide religious news . . . what does the Bible really teach ? latest research in Bible Lands . . . what to believe in these days of doubt and denial . . . current events and prophecy . . . which hooks to buy and not to buy . . . helps for the spiritual life . . . problems of modern girl-life solved . . . thrilling experiences on mission fields. Greatest Christian voices in America and abroad speak through its pages. CHRISTIAN YOUTH A n ew w e e k l y p a p e r f o r th e b o y s a n d g i r ls I s s u e d e v e r y w e e k . . . contains illustrated stories . . . lesson-helps especially suited to the teen age . . . definite hints for home study between Sundays .. . (think how that would help in your class work!) . . . fascinating Bible puzzles . . . talks about books . . . world religious news of interest to young people . . . Christian Endeavor helps . . . the whole designed to interest boys and girls in Bible study and Christian work, and to render your teaching even more effective than ever, by having your class prepared in advance through Christian Youth. AN IDEAL COMBINATION FOR IMPROVED CLASS WORK B y u s i n g The Sunday School Times as your own Bible study and teaching help , . . for the deepening of the spiritual life . . . by seeing that your class of boys and girls is supplied with Christian Youth you will encourage home study . . . create an atmosphere of new interest in class discussion, and in the Christian life and service. Try both papers! Try them for 13 weeks (3 months) at the special Get Acquainted rate:— 1 3 w e e k s One copy The Sunday School Times . . . . 25c F iv e cop ies Christian Y o u t h ........................... 50c


The two together 75 c




This is just half-price for the Times and about half-price for Christian Youth. Additional introductory copies of each paper may be had at the same rate. The regular yearly rate for the Times is $2; or $1.50 in clubs of five or more, either to separate addresses or to one address. Christian Youth, y~ m /

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75 cents a year; or 52 cents a year for five or more copies in package to one address. Please fill out and cut out and mail the coupon today. Try both papers!






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