December Regional


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As 2021 draws to a close , and with the New Year just over the horizon , we reflect on the successes realized in very difficult and unprecedented times . The achieved level of success was realized through perseverance , dedication , and teamwork . We thank , first and foremost , our volunteers , who give so graciously of their time , creativity , and fortitude . Our jobs are made so much easier by those who use their free time to assist MADD throughout the New England Region , in our fight to end drunk driving and the senseless loss of innocent lives . We are most proud of our donors , ( corporate , foundation , individuals ) who stayed with us throughout and provided the financial resources , as they have done in the past , which enabled our staff to sustain our services / programs for victims , families , schools , and community groups . As MADD entered its 41st year , we found ourselves still navigating the unchartered waters of a worldwide pandemic . As we ushered in 2021 , there was a sense of hope that MADD could and would rebound from a difficult year by welcoming back hundreds of participants at our in person public fundraising events . While our fundraising improved this year from 2020 , we still have a long way to go ! MADD New England is confident that we will fully recover , and on that road to recovery , be able to not only sustain , but grow the services and educational programs we provide to the community . Just recently , in Washington D . C ., a bi - partisan Congress approved a bill that mandates that all new cars soon be equipped , with the technology to detect impaired driving . The Insurance Industry believes this technology will save 9 , 400 lives each year . This is a huge victory for us as a society and for MADD as an organization . We look forward to the day when there will be No More Victims . During this time of “ Covid ” which saw most of us spending more time at home , whether working or not , there were a billion less miles driven on our roadways across America . Yet , there was an 9 % increase in the number of deaths attributed to impaired driving in 2020 and an even larger increase within the first six months of 2021 . So , as we move into 2022 , our work is cut out for us to continue our fight to end drunk driving , help fight drugged driving , support the victims of these violent crimes , and to prevent underage drinking . We can ’ t do this alone – we need your continued support and resources . Only Together Can We Save Lives ! On behalf of MADD New England ’ s dedicated and outstanding staff , I wish you and your loved ones a Happy , Healthy , and Safe , Holiday Season and a most Prosperous New Year !


MADD Connecticut 339 Hemingway Ave . , 2nd FL East Haven , CT 06512 203 - 764 - 2566

ct . state @ madd . org www . madd . org / ct

MADD Massachusetts P . O . Box 141 Danvers , MA 01923 781 - 328 - 0002 MA . State @ madd . org

MADD Rhode Island P . O . Box 3468 Pawtucket , RI 02861 401 - 421 - 0800 Sean . Cassidy @ madd . org www . madd . org / rhode - island

Bob Garguilo Executive Director – New England Region

MADD is reminding all New England drivers – this holiday season and always – to plan ahead for a safe ride if their festivities include alcohol . MADD is launching its 35th Annual Designated Driver Campaign , called Tie One On for Safety ( TOOFS ), and asking adults to display a red ribbon on their vehicles as a reminder to plan ahead for a designated non - drinking driver before holiday celebrations begin . The holidays are one of the most dangerous times on our nation ’ s roadways , with more people traveling , an increased number of festivities where alcohol is served , and a surge in drunk driving . From 6 p . m . Thanksgiving Eve through New Year ’ s Eve in 2019 , there were 926 drunk driving fatalities across the country , accounting for 29 % of all traffic fatalities ( NHTSA 2020 ). In addition , preliminary estimates show a 9 % increase in drunk driving deaths in 2020 , and a study by NHTSA shows an alarming increase in the presence of alcohol and other drugs among traffic crash victims during the COVID - 19 pandemic . MADD thanks all law enforcement personnel who will be working harder than ever this holiday season to protect the public from drunk driving through increased patrols and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement efforts . MADD appreciates their enforcement through high - visibility checkpoints and saturation patrols to keep our roadways safe . MADD is grateful for the partnership of its National Tie One On for Safety presenting sponsor , Waymo . Because of the work of strategic partners like Waymo , MADD is confident that reaching a future of NO MORE VICTIMS is attainable . But to get there , we will need everyone to join in our lifesaving work by making plans before the festivities begin , designating a non - drinking , non - consuming driver and buckling up this holiday season .


The MADD CT Youth Department has been busy al l year f inal ly getting back into the community and str iving to our mission of # NoMoreVictims . Through youth presentations , programs for caregivers , health fai rs and everything in between we have been able to reach thousands of people to educate on the dangers of underage dr inking and promote conversations around the topic . Check out al l the fun stuff we did and request us for your event next year ! Contact brooke . maxf ield @ madd . org for more information on MADD CT ’ s youth programming .


On October 29 , law enforcement off icials from across the state , as wel l as f i rst - responders , volunteers and educators were honored at MADD RI ’ s Recognition Awards Breakfast . Three individuals were chosen for the Excel lence in Service Award : • Chief Sidney M . Wordel l ( Ret . ) , Executive Di rector of the RI Pol ice Chiefs ’ Association • Lt . Jeffrey L ’ Heureux of the RI State Pol ice • Albert Giusti , Supervisor of Forensic Laborator ies at the RI Department of Health In addition , nearly two dozen law enforcement off icers were recognized at the event , in the categor ies of DUI off icer of the year , Rookie of the year , DUI enforcement , and Drug Recognition Experts . Warren Pol ice Chief Roy Borges was honored for his department ’ s work in establ ishing one of the f i rst “ safe stations ” in RI , where someone struggl ing with addiction can come in for help , and an off icer wi l l cal l a peer support special ist to provide immediate support and resources on site . The event was hosted by WPRI News Reporter Shannon Hegy . Executive Di rector Sean Cassidy introduced the event and Event Chai rwoman Cathy Andreozzi provided closing remarks .

Thank you to Chief Thomas Fowler and the Salisbury Police Department for helping MADD Massachusetts kick off its Tie One On For Safety ( TOOFS ) Campaign on the North Shore last month . As a reminder to designate a sober this holiday season , all cruisers at the department will display a red ribbon . To receive your own red ribbon for your vehicle along with safe party tips , you can visit Salisbury Police Department at 181 Beach Road to pick one up or email MADD at ma . state @ madd . org to have one mailed .

Mission Partners Buckley, Wynne & Parese CMRK

Faxon Law Group Fundación Mapfre Lifesafer Mohegan Sun Outfront Media Uber

Community Sponsors Walmart Cranston, RI Walmart Groton Walmart Lisbon Walmart Manchester, NH Walmart New Haven Walmart Newport, RI Walmart Old Saybrook Walmart Putnam Walmart Seabrook, NH

Presenting Sponsors Hoffman Auto Group Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC Marcum LLP Trantolo & Trantolo, LLC Road Safety Sponsors American Medical Response Dominion Energy New Haven Terminal North Haven Funeral Home R.D. Scinto, Inc.

Advocacy Sponsors Advanced Investigations Balzano and Tropiano Crest Lincoln Auto Mall

Lifesaver Sponsors Clancy Relocation & Logistics Fairfield Police Union Proto Group R.C. Bigelow Ventura Law Vincent Pezzella Scholarship Fund

Friends of MADD Adelman Hirsch & Connors Bio-One Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Darien Police Department DFG Electric Health Insurance Associates / Medicare Iovanne Funeral Home, Inc. JMG Insurance Corp LH Brenner Inc. Lynch, Traub Keefe & Errante P.C. Mark's Auto Parts Norwalk PBA Norwalk Union Pediatric Associates of Cheshire Southbury Police Association Terex Corporation

The Gould Insurance Group Think-First Gaylord Chapter Wheelers Auto Service

Mission Partners Fundación Mapfre Matthew Shedd

Presenting Sponsors Uber UKG

Road Safety Sponsors Arbella Insurance Foundation Jason Stone Injury Lawyers Walmart Friends of MADD Big Y Foods, Inc. Brennan's Smoke Shop Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John and Theresa Kotfila

Robert Cahoon The Jacobs Law

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