العدد 1 يناير كانون الثاني 2023

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local news, 16 future-minded thinkers predict where journalism will be in 15 years, " Politico, January 21, 2022. " accessed July 15, 2022 " . https://politi. co/3hynDRL. (56) House of Commons, " Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report 2017–19, " publications.parliament.uk, February 14, 2019, " accessed July 15, 2022 " . https://bit.ly/2S5yyA0. (57) Marc Lynch, " After the Arab Spring: How the media trashed the transitions, " Journal of Democracy, 26(4), (2015): 90-99. .) 2022 (تونس، دار محمد علي، 1 ) الصادق الحمامي، ديمقراطية مشهدية، ط 58 ( ) انظر تقرير االتحاد األوروبي: 59 ( Guillaume Klossa, " Towards European Media Sovereignty: An Industrial Media Strategy to leverage Data, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, " ec.europa. eu, March 28, 2019, " accessed July 15, 2022 " . https://bit.ly/3UBKSZZ. ) الصادق الحمامي، السياسات العمومية اإلعالمية، المفهوم والمجاالت والمشكالت، (تونس، 60 ( . 27 )، ص 2022 النقابة الوطنية للصحفيين التونسيين، (61) " Is the Media Doomed? From a Big Tech crackdown to the rebirth of local news, 16 future-minded thinkers predict where journalism will be in 15 years, " Politico, January 21, 2022. " accessed July 15, 2022 " . https://politi. co/3hynDRL.

(62) Ibid. (63) Ibid. (64) Ibid. (65) Ibid.

(66) Jorge Vázquez-Herrero et al., " An Introduction to ‘Total Journalism’, " in Total Journalism Models, Techniques and Challenges, eds. Jorge Vázquez- Herrero et al. (Springer, Cham, 2022), 1-9. (67) Ibid, 2. (68) Syndicat National des Journalistes, " Charte d’éthique professionnelle des journalistes, " snj.fr, 2011, " accessed July 15, 2022 " . https://bit.ly/3UNBe6E. (69) Society of Professional Journalists, " SPJ Code of Ethics (USA 1926), "

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