Science of Reading Brochure


Grades K–12 | Instructional Libraries and Collections Expertly Curated Collections to Engage All Students

Making the leap from decoding to comprehension doesn’t happen overnight. Education researchers agree that students must be provided with daily opportunities to read texts of various types and lengths while practicing strategies that improve comprehension. Rich and diverse classroom libraries are the key to helping students become joyful and successful readers. By infusing your libraries with the best authors, series, and instructional content, you’re helping every child learn to read and love to read.

Create Your Own Customized Classroom Libraries!

How it works: Step 1. Identify Gaps in Your Classroom Step 2. Select Your Books Step 3. Customize Your Book List Step 4. Add Resources for the Teacher’s Bookshelf Step 5. Order Book Labels and Bins Step 6. Request Special Packing and Shipping To learn more, visit

Our expert team of educators will work with you to build classroom libraries that contain a wide variety of texts at all reading levels while also choosing books that reflect the diverse backgrounds of your school community. We can also analyze your current classroom libraries and school data to determine your needs and correlate books to state academic standards with a personalized consultation from your local Scholastic partner.


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