King's Business - 1946-06


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Plan Ahead for Stony Brook If your boy is only five, eight, or ten, it is not too soon to begin to plan his college-preparatory education. The wisest decisions are made after careful investigation. Moreover, many of the better preparatory schools have few vacancies and early application is desirable. What do you want in your boy’s school? You may be among the many parents who prefer: 1 ) Christian program that un­ dertakes to reach every boy. 2) Small classes, individual at­ tention to each boy's aca­ demic needs. 3) Sound, thorough instruction, accredited f o r college en­ trance. 4) Experienced, Christian mas­ ters, whose influence will be felt on your boy in the class­ room, on the athletic field, and in the dormitory. 5) Boarding school life which gives your boy an opportu­ nity to grow in manliness as he lives in a school commu­ nity. 6) An excellent school reputa­ tion, established by the edu­ cation of boys, sent from almost every state and many foreign countries, and the record they have made in the colleges and universities. If you wish to plan ahead, write to the Headmaster for a copy of the School catalogue. t o n y / j r o o k J c h o o l FRANK E. GAEBELEIN. LITT.D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Please Mention King*s Business James A. Stewart MORSEL ALONE? The prayers of all the readers of the King’s Business are earnestly solicited. Subscribe to THE GOSPEL FOR THE CONTINENT, our official missionary paper. Co-editors James A. Stewart, and Dr. Her­ bert Lockyer. 50c per year. Read about the early life of James Stew­ art. Attractive booklet, MY STORY, 50c postpaid. Write your nearest office for literature or information. 1179 Delaware Ave. Buffalo 9, N. Y. 602 Witherspoon Bldg. Philadelphia 7, Pa. 4 Gowan Ave. Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada 20 Algie St. Glasgow S. I. Scotland JAMES A. STEWART Founder and General Director Mrs. R. E. Neighbour, Home Director Dr. Harlin .1. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vaca­ tion Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2.40. THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY 2010 Bryan St. Dallas 1, Texas THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter. The European Evangelistic Crusade, Inc. is reaching Europe’s starv­ ing millions with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ t h r o u g h its international evangelistic Bands. HAVE YOU EATEN YOUR

Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testi­ mony of hatred turned to love. A JEW AND THE NAME of JESUS m r r ¡ t i n m r r u f f l » Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Oar God, Jehovah is One!

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Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals .with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p. m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray, for the work of the Jewish Department, and to sup­ port this ministry by your prayers and gifts.

Beacon Lights of Grace Every pastor and re­ ligious worker — in fact, everyone inter­ ested in the onward march of Christiani­ ty — should read the thrilling story of these twelve men who, as Dr. Day puts it, "had two strikes on them before they started." The regular subscrip­ tion price of this beautifully printed, 96 - p a g e magazine, with two-color cover, is $3.00 per year —and worth it!

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Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California

Alexander MacLaren Order your subscription TODAY and receive FREE the book of your choice. THE R E L IG IO U S DIGEST

255 Jefferson Ave., S.E. Grand Rapids 3, Mich.

JUNE, 1946


Ö u s i R e a d e t ä ß p & a A


R E C O R D IN G S YOUR FAVORITE I lv i im s */ Gospe l Songs Cho ru se s

April Cover ,"I wish everyone that cares could have a picture of that magnificent cross that is on the front of The King's Business this month. I have framed it and placed it on my library table where anyone who comes in can see it." Hcaldsburg, Calif. Mrs. Bert Garrison Soul Winners' Hints "In the A p r i l magazine, the article, ‘Helpful Hints for Soul Winners’ was a real challenge, and has furnished much food for thought and prayer." Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. Oakley M. Krogh Sunday School Lesson Helps "I like so much the helps on the Sunday School lessons." West Milton, Ohio Chloe Snyder "I just can’t get along without it [The King's Business]. I teach in Sunday school, and use it for studying the lesson." Portland, Ore. Mrs. M. Colborne "May I tell you of the blessing I receive from The King's Business? It helps me spir­ itually, and in my children's material." Cleveland, Tenn. Fern Bush Family Circle "I am renewing my King’s Business sub­ scription. I surely miss it. Especially do I miss the Alumni news." Salem, Ore. Verna Balzar "I am a former B. I. student, so enjoy the ‘Biola Family Circle.’ " Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Loyd Griffin April Editorial "I have been reading the April issue of The King's Business; this is the best religious magazine I have ever read. I was very much impressed with the editorial, ‘Abolish Easter?’ and I agree with the sentiments expressed therein." Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Homer E. Cole Encouragements "I am interested in your magazine, and its power to correct misconceptions. When my son comes from the office, and sees The King's Business, he jtimps for it. A friend was despairing of maintaining her spiritual life until she read a copy which I passed on to her, and now she is radiant again." Sheffield, England Rev. Ernest Kemp "Words can’t express how much I enjoy The King’s Business." Sandy, Ore. Mrs. Geo. Pischel "It [The King’s Business] is such a blessing to us and so true to the teaching of the Word; we feel we cannot do without It." Gentry,, Ark. Miss Estelle Dice "Will pass the magazines on to others after I have read them. I find them very interesting as well as helpful.” Westmont, III. Mrs. M. R. Bodhradsky "I value The King’s Business very highly, and use it often in connection with our church work. ’ Tygh Valley, Ore. Mrs. Edith M. Miller

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TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ACROSS THE DESK of the Associate Editor

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Published Monthly by and Representing The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

A MISSIONARY conference is a tonic for any church. There is nothing better to stimulate both the spiritual and the material sides of Christian life. Many instances are related of dying churches being rejuvenated by a virile program of missionary inter­ est and endeavor, It is amazing what just an average church, when challenged, can do along the line of missionary giving. Two such churches In Southern California, with only about 250 membership each, give from $12,000 to $15,000 annually to missions. The secret seems to be a continuous emphasis on the need of the world. Many Mission Boards are feeling that they must seize the opportunity of Gospel broadcasting via their own radio stations. Latest appeal for prayer which has crossed our desk is from the Latin American Mission by new Director Kenneth Strachan, who hopes to establish such a station in Costa Rica, f A great new field in religious radio is being offered in new frequency modulation. Many reliable radio thinkers believe that seventy- five per cent of listeners will possess F-M receivers within three years. It Is to be sincerely hoped that the “re­ ligious group” of broadcasters will not fail to take advantage of this new opportunity, jj Radio surveys continue to speak emphatically of the prefer­ ence on the part of listeners, both ur­ ban and rural, for good religious pro­ grams over mapy other types of broad­ casting. These surveys are being cur­ rently laid before the Federal Radio Commission, and will, no doubt, have a beneficial effect on the local accept­ ability of religious programs. > An old-timer in Gospel broadcasting in Southern California is .“First Mate Bob,” whose program reaches every nook and corner along the Pacific Coast, and by short wave to very dis­ tant areas. His complaint of many religious broadcasts is that there is little or no preparation, little or no production, little or no discernment of public interest, and the result is that there are few or no listeners. In­ dications point to a continued high pitch of interest in school attendance. Biola prospects for 1946-47 are that a record number desire to enroll, ff Timothy Pietsch, Japan-bound mis­ sionary, says that the present day of­ fers the greatest challenge in a mil­ lennium for evangelism in Japan, ff Many religious organizations (other than evangelical) are mightily be­ stirring themselves in an effort to ad­ vance their work. Some evangelical bodies, too, are really awake to pres­ ent unprecedented opportunities, be­ fore Christ returns.

Ransom Marvin John Bazart Illustrators Bruechert, Managing

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor Editor

Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor in Chief Betty

Copyright, 1946, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. Vol. 37 JUNE, 1946 No. 6 YOUTH AND CHILD EVANGELISM NUMBER WITH BIBLE INSTITUTE FEATURE

CONTENTS COVER : North Tower of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Photograph by Thompson. The Philosophy Club Hears the Evidence for the Resurrection,

by J: Oliver Buswell, Jr ......................................................................................... 243 The Heaviest Cross, Poem, by Annie Johnson Flint .......................................... 244 G od’s Prescription for Prayer, by John A . Bazart ................................................ 245 The Mixture, by Robert P. Shuler ............................................................................... 246 “ What Hath G od Wrought,” by Sammy D. Hogue ........................................ 247 “ Seeking the Lambs,” by J. Irvin Overholtzer .....................................................- 249 Bible-Loving Christians, by Robert L. Evans ............................... -.......................... 250 The Bible Book of the Month, by John A. Hubbard ...........................- ........ — 251 Editorially Speaking........................................................................................................... 252 The Bible in the News.................................................................................................... 254 Devotional Readings, by lone Lowman .......................-............................................. 255 Greek W ord Treasures, by Bernard Ramm ................................................. -........ 257 The Bible Institute on the A ir.................................................................................. 258 Junior King’s Business, by Martha S. Hooker ......................................................... 259 Earth’s Treasure Heaps, by Paul R. Bauman .............:............................................. 265 Biola Family Circle, by Helen J. White .................................................................. 266 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box.......................................—................................................. 268 Young People’s Topics, by Walter L. Wilson ......................................................... 270 It’s art Idea, by Carlton C. Buck ................................................................................ 271 Sunday School Lessons...................................... .............- .....-,........ ;............................ 275 Bible Drills for Juniors and Intermediates, . by Charlotte S. Frampton ..................... ......... —............. -..................................... 282 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— "The King's Business" is published monthly: $1.50, one yr.; $2.00, two yrs.; 75 cents, six months; _20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13. Calif., or our eastern representatives, Religious Press Association, 51 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia 39, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business’’ cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, 'California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied m paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R-, authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

JUNE, 1946


A SCHOOLTEACHER has to keep on studying all his life. While living in Illinois, I used to take courses in Chicago. Now that I am in New York, up on things the younger people are constantly meeting in the classroom. A S A GRADUATE student, I was invited some time ago to attend the monthly meeting of The Philosophy Club, a group made up of graduate students and teachers from several nearby universities. The topic for the first meeting I attended was, “Scientific Evidence; Is There Any Other Way of Attaining Truth?” There was no principal speaker that evening, so the topic was intro­ duced and the meeting immediately thrown open for discussion. It soon developed that many shades of opin­ ion were represented in the small circle of polite and refined people who were gathered in the professor’s home. Some were avowed atheists, disciples of Santa­ yana or John Dewey; some were Roman Catholics; some were modernists; some, mystics; some, Barthians. It seemed that no one had ever heard of old-fashioned Christian evidences as they have been presented through the generations on the pattern of Psalm 19 and Romans 1:20. No one seemed to have heard the names of Butler, Paley, James Orr, Robert Flint, Warfield, or Machen. A ROMAN Catholic lay-brother was declaring that scl- entific evidence availed very little. Said I, “But Brother B------, you would surely say ‘Christus vere res- urrexit,’ would you not?” I had hoped that he might open up the subject of Christian evidences, but was dis­ appointed, for he threw up his hands and said, “I don’t know any Latin!” AT THIS POINT, the question was put to me. I sup­ pose my fundamentalist elbows were sticking out and my “oontending-for-the-:’.aith” disposition was ap­ parent, At any rate, I was aiked quite directly, “Do you

think it is right to teach a child something which is not based upon at least probable evidence?” These are not exactly the words in which the topic for the evening had been stated, but they gave me a better opportunity. I thought something needed to be said which would shock them, so I replied emphatically, “No, I wouldn’t teach it to a dog! I should not teach any child anything whleh is not based, upon reasonable evidence.” rpHAT THEY were dumfounded was quite apparent. “What do you mean?” came from all sides. Appar­ ently no one present had ever heard that the Christian Gospel is substantiated by evidence which may be pub­ licly examined in a scientific way. fpHIS PHILOSOPHY group is quite typical of a large class of educated people in this country. They know only three types of Christian arguments: ■ ' 1. The Roman Catholic authoritarian presentation: God is true by definition, derived from Aristotle through Thomas Aquinas. You accept the definition by arbitrary authoritative demand. Then from the definition every­ thing else must follow. 2. The mystical presentation of the Gospel. They had heard people say, “I had a dream and I saw the angels; therefore you must believe the Gospel.” The reader will recognize that I am not in the least minimiz­ ing the value of the experiences of the heart. My point is that they had not heard the evidences of historical fact. Some thought mysticism was the only manner of presenting the Christian faith. 3. The mythical presentation of the Gospel as it is found in the writings of Edwin Lewis. In his book, A Philosophy of the Christian Revelation, Lewis in beauti­ ful rhetoric declares his belief in the doctrine of the vir­ gin birth of Christ, and then explains: “The birth and

I have a marvelous opportunity to brush up and keep



infancy narratives in Luke may be properly called ‘myth­ ic,’ if ‘mythic’ be understood as the other extreme from ‘scientific’ ” (p; 293). These philosophy teachers and advanced students were not at all aware that to present as a myth what the Gospel presents as a fact is base treachery. mHUS I WAS surrounded by three different schools of -*■ thought as to what the presentation of the Gospel should be. The Aristotelian static absolute, the mystic, and the mythic members of the group all wanted to know what I could possibly mean by saying that I would not teach a child anything which was not based upon reasonable scientific evidence. A S A NEWCOMER, I tried to be brief and to avoid dom- inating the discussion. I answered to the effect that the entire matter of Christian evidences could be exem­ plified by what Dr, Machen used to say;' There was once a dead body, the blood drained from its veins and the heart pierced with a spear. This body was embalmed in chemicals and wrapped in ancient grave bandages, and laid away in a rock-hewn sepulcher. A great stone had been rolled to the door of the sepulcher, the seal of the most powerful government on earth had been placed upon the stone, and a detachment of soldiers stood guard lest anyone disturb that dead body. All of this was in a critical environment among a people interested in what this dead body represented, the majority of whom were intensely hostile. This was in an age of literacy (the evidence of this is abundant) equal to the modern age. The prevailing political party who had caused the death of this body did not believe in the resurrection or even in personal -immortality (Matt. 22:23-33; Acts 3:8; Jose­ phus, Antiquities XVIII, 1, 4, War IP8, 14). They denied the existence of angels and spirits (Acts 23:8). This political party had determined to crush the movement centering about the Man who now lay in the grave. T HAT DEAD BODY came forth alive and glorious on the third day ;vthe grave was empty and all the facts and circumstances put together made the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ the best attested single event in ancient history! O F COURSE, many of the historical references in my brief statement were not understood by members of the group.. They were philosophers, not at .all acquainted with New Testament Introduction or first century evi­ dences. For over an hour, they kept me explaining the evidences for the resurrection of Christ. I was asked to lead the discussion two months later, and the entire eve­ ning was devoted to Christian evidences centering about the New Testament times. T HE ONE PHRASE which I have heard more frequently than almost any other in this group of philosophy students and teachers in the past few months is, “I never heard of scientific evidences for the Christian Gos­ pel!” There is genuine interest. Would it not be won­ derful if God would send a revival in these great uni­ versities in the New York area? He did send such a re­ vival in the universities in -Europe at the time of the Protestant Reformation. He did send such a revival in Yale at the time of Timothy Dwight. Some of these bril­ liant, atheistic philosophy teachers and graduate stu­ dents are definitely open to conviction. This is one of the greatest mission fields in the world. Pray for me and for them. N OT LONG AGO a professor related a conversation he had with another professor, a thorough modernist, Federal Council man, and a teacher in the department of religion in a modernist school. Said my friend: “I told him the evidences for the resurrection of Christ. He

THE HEAVIEST CROSS Annie Johnson Flint

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it is not Hit cross that is heavy; it it those that our hands have made That hinder us on our journey. On our aching shoulders laid; There is strength for the load He gives us, And balm for the thorn He sends, But none for the needless burdens And none for our selfish ends. We bear a burden of sorrow; We carry a weight of gold; We cling to some treasured idol, And will not loose our hold; We bend beneath troubles and worries; We drag the load of a wrong; And we cry that the cross is heavy, And sigh that the way is long. Let us drop the sin that besets us; Let us cast aside our fears; L e t .us give our grief to Jesus, And break our pitcher of tears; Let us learn of the meek and lowly Who giveth the weary rest; Let us take His yoke upon us, And walk with Him abreast; For His yoke is easy to carry, And His burden is light in weight; He will do His share of the labor, For He is a true yoke-mate. Are we weary and heavy-laden? Are we anxious and full of care? That is not the cross of His giving. But the one that we make and bear.

44 T 4 4 4

T T 4 44 Ï 4 4 4

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Copyrighted. Reprinted by JL permission, Evangelical Publishers, 31 Toronto, Canada. X


replied by saying, ‘I know what the evidence is. I am convinced that something quite remarkable took place in Jerusalem shortly after the death of Jesus, but I do not know what it was that took place. I have no ex­ planation.’ Then he said, ‘But you cannot accept the literal bodily resurrection of Jesus, for then you would have to be a fundamentalist!” ’ T REPLIED, “He is-right!’’ -You dare not accept the evi- dence unless you are ready to go all the way. You may accept or reject many scientific conclusions without their materially altering your life. But you cannot ac­ cept the resurrection of Christ without a revolution in your thinking and a total commitment of yourself to Him.

JUNE, 1B46




f j o - l i t t A . f e a y a t i t

I WILL PRAY with the spirit, and ... with the understanding also,” writes Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:15. HoW graciously God has provided an exact prescription as well as a con­ crete example for prayer! We are not to be guided by vague generalizations, but by a precise statement of the req­ uisite elements in their correct pro­ portions; then in accurate relation to this prescription is Christ’s model for prayer, popularly termed “The Lord’s Prayer.” In the study of the tabernacle, we find incense to be a type of prayer, and we shall see that the character of the ingredients and their significance correspond to the great model prayer which the Lord Jesus Christ gave to His followers. God said to Moses: “Take unto thee sweet spices, STACTE, and ONYCHA, and GALBANUM; these sweet spices with pure FRANKIN­ CENSE: of each shall there be a like weight: And thou shalt make it a per­ fume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy” (Ex. 30:34, 35). Here we have the exact prescrip­ tion requiring equal parts of four defi­ nitely designated ingredients, to be tempered together after the art of the apothecary. We find that each ele­ ment discloses the qualities which it imparts. The first requirement is STACTE, (Hebrew nataph ) the Balm of Gilead (Gen. 37:25 ; 43:11; Jer. 8:22; 46:11; 51:8; Ezek. 27:17). It is a soft resin­

ous substance with pleasing, penetrat­ ing balsamic odor, especially after it is kept for some time. Medicinally, it is used for parasitic skin diseases. Here is BALM, the healing, soothing element in prayer. The second ingredient is ONYCHA (Hebrew shechleth) the celebrated odoriferous shell of the onyx or per­ fume crab, the operculum or “nail” of a species of Strombus or “Wing shell,” formerly well known in Europe under the name of Blatta Byzantina, im­ ported into Bombay to bum with frankincense and other incense to bring out their odors more strongly, thus intensifying their virtues. In onycha is indicated the INTENSIFY­ ING of virtues and fervor, the second specification for prayer. Then there is GALBANUM (Hebrew helbenah), a bitter Syrian gum with a musk odor yielded by opoidia gal- banifera (Royle) of Khorassan. In medicine it is employed as a stimu­ lant. Pliny ascribes to galbanum ex­ traordinary curative powers, asserting that “the very touch of it mixed with oil of spondylium is sufficient to kill a serpent.” Here indeed is STIMULA­ TION with serpent (Satan) killing properties to be added to prayer as prescribed by God.

The fourth essential element pre­ scribed in G e n e s i s 8:21-is PURE FRANKINCENSE (Hebrew lebonah ), translated literally, “savor of satis­ faction.” It is a gum resin obtained from Boswellia trees. These trees grow “without soil, out of polished marble rocks to which they are attached by a thick oval mass of substance resem­ bling a mixture of lime and mortar; the purer the marble, the finer appears to be the growth of the tree. The young trees furnish the most valuable gum.” An incision is made in the trunk of the tree and five inches of bark peeled off; a milk-like juice exudes and hardens by exposure- to the atmosphere. Then the incision is deepened. In three months, the resin attains the right consistency, forming oblong tears and lumps. It has a bit­ ter aromatic taste and bums readily for illumination; it was never used in enbalming the dead, but was always regarded as especially consecrated to worship. In the Old Testament, it is mentioned in Exodus, Leviticus, Num­ bers, 1 Chronicles, Nehemiah, and the Song of Solomon, while in the New Testament in Matthew 2:11, there is the account of the wise men of the East bringing ?n their treasures frankin­ cense, when they came to worship our

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Lord. In a warning to God’s people in Revelation 18:13, frankincense is listed as one of the goodly things to be withdrawn from apostate Christen­ dom. By frankincense is definitely indi­ cated the requisite of pure worship of God. We know that the only pure worship of God is through the pre­ cious blood of Jesus Christ, for no man cometh unto the Father except by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was He who gave us that great model prayer: “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Could there be greater balm for the heart of a Christian than to know that God is his Father and that God’s kingdom will some day come on earth? “ Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we for­ give our debtors.” Here is nourishment, strengthening, intensifying of virtues, as indicated by the onycha. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Stimulation and serpent (Satan) killing properties typified by the galbanum of the tab­ ernacle incense are in evidence. “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” Pure w o r s h i p consecrated to God should constitute one fourth part of all our prayer just as pure frankincense was to be one fourth part of the pre­ scription as commanded by God for a “ savor of satisfaction” to Him. All four ingredients were required to be in equal proportions, indicating their equal importance. Also this holy incense was only to be used with holy fire from the altar of sacrifice. Our prayers must be heated only by the fire of the Holy Spirit, in the spirit of sacrifice and worship to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. Christ admonished, “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do: for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father khoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him” (Matt. 6:7,8). “Ye have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet ye say, wherein have we wearied him?” (Mai. 2:17). We are told in the Scriptures to “ pray without ceasing” and we are told also how our prayers should be constituted and offered to God. God has given us a prescription for prayer in the Old Testament and a model for prayer in the New. If we follow these f a i t h f u l l y , we shall realize a power and blessing in our prayer life.

THE M I X T U R E Rev. Robert P. Shuler , D. D,

mission of sins, proclaiming the virgin-born, crucified, risen Redeemer and Lord as the Son of the living God and the Saviour of mankind, we, by that very decision and proclamation, will have gone far. Suppose in this great evangelistic campaign, our Protestant churches shall determine “to know nothing” in a world shot through with hate and strife and im­ morality and apostasy and hopeless­ ness “save Jesus Christ, and him cru­ cified,” I tell you there will be a re­ vival! Nothing less than a revival of the grace of God in the hearts of men will do. The “ daubing” must be vital with experimental unction and flame. Men must actually be born again. Prophets filled with -the Holy- Ghost must stand before the people with the fires of Pentecost in their hearts. The church must be ablaze! Otherwise “the prophets of Israel” will see and proclaim “visions of peace for her, and there is no peace.” Man’s soul and the soul of the church will be storm tossed upon a sea of death until the Master views the tem­ pest, and from His lips there will come the words, “Peace, be still.” Is this evangelistic effort to be an organized campaign only, or a spir­ itual movement? Is it to be a visitation of organized campaign only, or a visitation of the Spirit of God? Is it to secure names for the church roll, or to enroll the names pf sinners saved by grace in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Is it to stir up interest concerning the church in the community, or is it to set the stubble on fire with a mighty conflagration? Is this evangelistic effort to be our undertaking, or God’s manifestation? THE REAL CHRISTIAN IS FOOLISH enough to depend on God for wisdom: WEAK enough to be empowered with His strength: BASE enough to have no honor, but God's honor: DESPISED enough to be kept in the dust at His feet: NOTHING enough for God to be every­ thing. —Charles Fox.

A FEW years ago, school buildings in Long Beach, California, lay mangled and torn on the earth, the result of a great earthquake. My wife and I drove down to see the wreckage. Two little news vendors were walk­ ing about through the heaped-up bricks and splintered timbers. One of them crushed a piece of mortar be­ tween his thumb and fingers and, throwing the dust into the air, re­ marked: “Something’s lackin’ in the mixture!” Those buildings had gone down be­ cause the mixture was wrong. Ezekiel was the prophet with whom the Lord talked; chapter after chap­ ter of his book records God’s conver­ sation with him. God was ever warn­ ing Israel through this prophet. We read: “Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter: Say unto them which daub it with untempered mor­ ter that it shall fall” (Ezek. 13:10, 11). God is speaking to Israel concern­ ing her leaders, her builders: “To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace” (Ezek. 13:16). God is saying to Israel that the mix­ ture must be right or the whole wall will be wrong. “Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall It not be said unto you, Where is the daubing wherewith ye have daubed it?” (Ezek. 13:12). Protestant Christianity is now en­ gaged in a nation-wide evangelistic crusade. Some of us have prayed for years for such a movement, actively backed up by the leadership of the church. And now that a great spir­ itual enterprise is to be undertaken, watch the mixture! Everything will depend upon the “ daubing.” If we mix in pacifism, so­ cial action, economic nostrums, racial prejudice agitation, doubtful recrea­ tional and entertainment features, and some kind of educational regen­ eration and cultural process by which depraved human nature is to be made angelic, the wall will come tumbling down. If we make up our “ daubing” from a Holy Ghost tempered Gospel of the shed 1/lqod of Jesus Christ for the re­

JUNE, 1946


"Wkat 4 j&tk (jo d W/tought" FOR THE GOODLAND INDIAN ORPHANAGE § am m y H OW WOULD you feel If you wiere six years old; had lost your mother only a week ago, D . Hogue of more than two hundred in the twelve grades, this institution—‘the oldest church and mission school in continuous existence in Oklahoma—is still training the Choctaw Indian youth in the things that shall abide. Two years before the little school Was started in the side room of the log manse, a Presbyterian mission had

The Choctaws Today The Choctaw Indians are one of the five civilized tribes, none of whom live on reservations. Before their re­ moval from the Old South, when the white man took their homes and churches and schools, they were civil­ ized and Christianized—C h o c t a w s , Chickasaws, Cherokees, Seminóles, and Creeks. Today they still live much as does the white man. Most of them have lost their money; many of the Choctaws are very poor. Many speak both English and Choctaw; some of the younger generation do not know their native tongue; whereas some know only Choctaw, especially when they are of pre-school age. Many have intermarried with the white people; and yet there are still some -25,000 Choctaws in southeastern Oklahoma, many of whom are full blood Indians. Some of the most highly respected citizens of Oklahoma are Indians, edu­ cated, cultured, and Christian. From the Goodland Indian Orphanage have gone on to college or university, where today they are serving in the professional world, in business, on farms—men and women who are a credit to the institution. A number are teaching; a few are ministers of the Gospel. At least 194 former stu­ dents served in the armed forces dur­ ing World War II, thirteen of whom gave their lives for their country. From the fox hole, from ships at sea, from lonely Pacific islands came their letters, expressing their love for the church, home, and school which they call “Goodland.” “That Is Where I Found My Saviour” From Anzio Beach, during the worst of the fighting in Italy, on March 14, 1944, a Goodland boy wrote to the superintendent of the home: “As I sat here many a day and night at my fox hole, my mind wan­ dered back to those dark days in my life, in ’31 and ’34, when my father and mother passed on to be with Christ. .There I sat at the crossroad, not knowing which way to turn or where to go. Then one day some men came and took me, my brother, and three sisters away. In about a half­ day we stopped. The men said that the place was Goodland—our new home. We \were taken to different buildings. I went to the little boys’ building. "Well, things started off all right,

following a long illness caused by a malignant disease; were sent to school, a stranger in a strange land; and did not know a word of English, the language of the classroom?” This question was asked a few years ago by one teacher of another; for little Betty Lou had just come to the Goodland Indian Orphanage to live. But there was another, brighter side to the picture; for this little full blood Choctaw Indian girl already had two older sisters and an older brother at Goodland; and they could speak both Choctaw and English. Soon after her arrival, she was seen standing on the campus with these she loved, clip­ ping off her native speech even as her brother, a protecting arm on her shoul­ der, was acting as interpreter. That was six years ago; and now Betty Lou .will soon be promoted to the seventh grade—a normal, happy, Christian girl. She is but one of many who have come to the Goodland Indian Orphan­ age from similar, tragic experiences— boys and girls from broken homes, or­ phans or worse than orphans, most of them very poor, often even destitute. Yet some of these have come from stalwart Christian parentage; and al­ most without exception, they receive Christ as their personal Saviour soon after they hear the sacred story. They are instinctively reverent; it does not occur to them to doubt the inspired .Word of God, Pioneering in the Wilderness Ninety-six years ago, the wife of the missionary to the Choctaws of Indian Territory gathered a few orphan chil­ dren into the side room of the log house which was the Presbyterian manse—there were only two rooms. It was then that the Goodland Indian Orphanage had its beginning—in the days when what is now southeastern Oklahoma was a veritable wilderness. Through the years, in this home, church, and school, hundreds of In­ dian boys and girls and young peo­ ple have found the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Friend. With an en­ rollment during the 1945-1946 session

BILLIE MAE CARNEY Who wouldn’t love this sweet little six-year-old Choctaw maiden? She is in the first grade.

been established at Yakni Achukma (Choctaw for “Good Land” ) where the orphanage is still located, four miles from the present site of Hugo, Oklahoma. Eight years prior to the beginning of the Goodland Mission, Indian Presbytery had been organized; and not many years previously the missionaries had come with the In­ dians from their homes in the Old South, over the historic “Trail of Tears,” to the wilderness of Indian Territory. Since 1894, the Presbyterian Church, U. S. (Southern) has owned the Goodland Indian Orphanage; and since 1923, the Synod of Oklahoma has had full control of it.

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


“I love Jesus, and He is my Saviour. He said He would be back to take us home to be with Him, and I believe what He said.” “We Study Jesus” A very small full blood Choctaw boy, about five years of age, had been at Goodland only one day. “What do we study in our class?” the Bible teacher asked him on the evening of that first day, wondering if he remem­ bered, expecting that, if he did, he would say, “We study Bible.” But that was not his reply. “We study Jesus,” the child said. And the teacher was glad that he grasped so soon some­ thing of the meaning of the motto which hangs above the entrance to our dining room, “The Aim Of This Home is to Glorify Christ.” Saved and Called Home She was at Goodland only a few months—the little eighth grade Anna; but during those months she learned to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, and confessed Him publicly when she joined the Goodland Presby­ terian Church and was baptized. Then God took her home to Heaven. Her face had been sad—for one so young. She was shy, even fearful, lest a dark shadow that hung over her earlier years through no fault of her own might become an open secret. But. then she found in Christ a sym­ pathetic Saviour; and in the Goodland family, friends who loved her for Jesus’ sake. One day she was taken to the Choctaw-Chickasaw Hospital at Tali- hina, Oklahoma, to be treated for tu­ berculosis. In a few weeks more, she went to be with the Christ who in His mercy had sent her to Goodland to be saved for all eternity. Goodland Today With a plant of eighteen buildings, valued at $200,000; with a beautiful campus in a grove of great oaks and elms; with 600 acres of farm land under cultivation, 326 of which be­ long to Goodland; with a dairy herd, poultry, and livestock to meet a com­ plete live-at-home farm program on an institutional scale; with all in­ debtedness wiped out; with twelve grades, including a fully accredited high school; with some 200 Indian boys and girls and young people liv­ ing on the campus, helping in the home and on the farm; with some 65 to 70 more white students living in the rural community and attending the day school; with the eternal Word of God the daily text in class and out— with these tokens of service rewarded, the Goodland Indian Orphanage is a monument to what faith in the cruci­ fied and risen Lord Jesus can do. This is “what God hath wrought” by His grace.

“Why I Know That Jesus Is God” “I know that Jesus is God because He did not have an earthly father. Mary was His mother, but God was His Father. “I know that Jesus is God because He could not sin. He never disobeyed Mary and Joseph when He was a Boy. Satan tried to make Him sin, but Jesus could not sin, because He is God. I know that I have sinned. Every­ body has sinned but Jesus. He did not have any sin in Him. “Jesus did some miracles so we could believe that He is God. He made the lame walk. He made the sick well. He opened the eyes of the blind. He

but after a while things began to con­ flict; and I soon found that I had chosen the wrong road. It wasn’t long until I began to realize what was wrong, and to understand the real meaning of the school. “I began to ask questions and wasn’t long getting them answered, and the answers were correct. With help from the boys, I caught step, and we went down the same road together until the Sunday after Thanksgiving of ’34, when at another crossroad I stood, confessed Christ publicly, and was baptized in His name. There I took the right road, and also became a full member of the Goodland family. “Now, as I am far away, not a day goes by without my thanking God for placing me there; for that is where I found myself and my Saviour. The teaching of those little Bible verses back there has given me more comfort and courage to stand up and defy the enemy. I thank God that at Goodland I got my^start. I pray that God will keep Goodland open for that reason, so that other boys and girls may come to know Christ.” Zealous Missionaries The superintendent to whom this let­ ter was written, is the Reverend E. D. Miller, who for fifteen years has not only served in this capacity, but has also been the pastor of the Goodland Presbyterian Church. Under his lead­ ership, the work has prospered ma­ terially. A $30,000 debt has been wiped out; new buildings have been added; the school farm has been de­ veloped; only lack of space forbids the inclusion of many details with regard to answered prayer during these fif­ teen years. Always true to God’s eternal Word, loving our Lord’s ap­ pearing, and trusting Him through days of severe testings, Mr. Miller has seen much fruit of his “labor of love.” Since Mr. Miller’s health has failed, the Reverend G. Coleman Luck, a graduate of the Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, has been act­ ing superintendent and pastor for the past nine months. By the time this article is off the press, the Board of Directors, acting for the Synod of Oklahoma, Presbyterian Church, U. S., will have élected a successor to Mr. Miller. Studying God’s Word It has been the privilege of the writer of these lines to teach at the Goodland Home and School for the past ten years, the last nine of which she has taught only Bible six hours a day, five days a week. The Holy Spirit has taken the things of Christ, and written them on the hearts of these Indian boys and girls, as the following excerpts from classroom papers of fourth and fifth grade children, nine, ten and eleven years old, indicate;

THURMAN JEFFERSON Full blood Choctaw eleven years old; in the sixth grade. Good missionary material.

walked on the Galilee Sea. He made the storm die down. He raised the dead. He knew everything. He knew He was going to die on the cross, for He is God’s Son. “Jesus came down to die for our sins. He said He was going to die and rise again on the third day. He shed His blood for us. When He was nailed to the cross, it was dark a long time; and people should have known then that Jesus was God. They put a crown of thorns on His head. It was like a sword through Mary’s heart. He prayed for his enemies. “ I know that Jesus is God because He arose from the dead. He showed Himself to those who loved Him after He arose. “Jesus is in Heaven interceding for us. And He is preparing a place for us, so we may go there some day.

JUNE, 1946



j . Irvin Overholtzer

New Mexico, the Bay Section of Cali­ fornia and Los Angeles. A National Committee was established, with Dr. Paul W. Rood as president and the writer as director. Later this developed into an International Committee of twenty-eight members. This organiza­ tion is built upon a s o l i d funda­ mental Statement of Faith which must be signed annually by all of the teachers and workers. The direc­ tor traveled continuously for several years, organizing Child Evangelism groups in the United Stateg, Canada, Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America. Gradually, the or­ ganization has extended to Africa, In­ dia, Australia, and the British Isles. As a result, by the grace of God, there is a widespread interest in and burden for Child Evangelism through­ out the world. Other organizations for the evangelization of children have come into being: The Bible Club Movement; The Child for Christ Cru­ sade; The Children for Christ, Incor­ porated. There are Child Evangelism Broadcasts in many places, the Chil­ dren's Bible Hour having a very wide coverage. The I.C.E.F. Program The'Child Evangelism movement is indigenous—with local, state and area committees, directors, and superin­ tendents, many of whom are em­ ployed full time. The local program consists of Bible classes for children

able for these millions, at least the ones who could have been won if we had done our whole duty. The time is short! These children/ will soon attain manhood, and br hard to reach; death will come sooqer or later; the apostasy is grow ing- doors of opportunity may soon close; Jesus is coming soon! The Remedy How can this serious situation be. remedied? Certainly, conviction of) this terrible sin of neglect of childhood^ must come to God’s people. ''This will lead to agonizing, believing prayer until our “eyes do fail with tears” (Lam. 2:11). The Lord asks of Chris­ tians a willingness to sacrifice all— time, talent and money. Every spirit­ ual church, every Sunday school, every foreign m i s s i o n a r y society, every Bible institute and every Chris­ tian college should unite and or­ ganize for this important task. In order to succeed in this enterprise, adequate backing and support for the Child E v a n g e l i s m organizations which have been raised up of the Lord to meet this need are required. God Is Moving in Miracle Power In 1935, the Lord called the writer in a very definite way to organize an interdenominational, international movement to meet this need. Groups were formed in Chicago, Albuquerque,

Child JEvangeiism— A World Need T HE COUNTRIES where evangel­ true of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa. The reasons are not hard to find. In the first place, only one-third _nf the children are in any Sunday school, or receiving Gospel teaching of any kind. Then, for many years Child Evangelism was questioned, neglected or ignored even in many spiritual churches as well as by foreign mis­ sions. In addition, a large per cent of the Sunday school children attend modernistic Sunday s c h o o l s , and, therefore, do not receive evangelical teaching./Such a situation must be remedied or else! Who Is Responsible? Every child is headed for adulthood 1 and for eternity. During childhood ! they are teachable; they can readily , be led to Christ for salvation. Then * God’s Word can be taught to them f and it will be remembered by thenvj The Christians of the world who have not been taking advantage of this opportunity are to b l a m e for the terrible conditions which exist. They, under God, are responsible to provide the remedy. God will hold us account­

ical Christianity has flourished are being swept with a wave of child delinquency and crime. This is

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