King's Business - 1946-06

JUNE, 1946



j . Irvin Overholtzer

New Mexico, the Bay Section of Cali­ fornia and Los Angeles. A National Committee was established, with Dr. Paul W. Rood as president and the writer as director. Later this developed into an International Committee of twenty-eight members. This organiza­ tion is built upon a s o l i d funda­ mental Statement of Faith which must be signed annually by all of the teachers and workers. The direc­ tor traveled continuously for several years, organizing Child Evangelism groups in the United Stateg, Canada, Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America. Gradually, the or­ ganization has extended to Africa, In­ dia, Australia, and the British Isles. As a result, by the grace of God, there is a widespread interest in and burden for Child Evangelism through­ out the world. Other organizations for the evangelization of children have come into being: The Bible Club Movement; The Child for Christ Cru­ sade; The Children for Christ, Incor­ porated. There are Child Evangelism Broadcasts in many places, the Chil­ dren's Bible Hour having a very wide coverage. The I.C.E.F. Program The'Child Evangelism movement is indigenous—with local, state and area committees, directors, and superin­ tendents, many of whom are em­ ployed full time. The local program consists of Bible classes for children

able for these millions, at least the ones who could have been won if we had done our whole duty. The time is short! These children/ will soon attain manhood, and br hard to reach; death will come sooqer or later; the apostasy is grow ing- doors of opportunity may soon close; Jesus is coming soon! The Remedy How can this serious situation be. remedied? Certainly, conviction of) this terrible sin of neglect of childhood^ must come to God’s people. ''This will lead to agonizing, believing prayer until our “eyes do fail with tears” (Lam. 2:11). The Lord asks of Chris­ tians a willingness to sacrifice all— time, talent and money. Every spirit­ ual church, every Sunday school, every foreign m i s s i o n a r y society, every Bible institute and every Chris­ tian college should unite and or­ ganize for this important task. In order to succeed in this enterprise, adequate backing and support for the Child E v a n g e l i s m organizations which have been raised up of the Lord to meet this need are required. God Is Moving in Miracle Power In 1935, the Lord called the writer in a very definite way to organize an interdenominational, international movement to meet this need. Groups were formed in Chicago, Albuquerque,

Child JEvangeiism— A World Need T HE COUNTRIES where evangel­ true of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa. The reasons are not hard to find. In the first place, only one-third _nf the children are in any Sunday school, or receiving Gospel teaching of any kind. Then, for many years Child Evangelism was questioned, neglected or ignored even in many spiritual churches as well as by foreign mis­ sions. In addition, a large per cent of the Sunday school children attend modernistic Sunday s c h o o l s , and, therefore, do not receive evangelical teaching./Such a situation must be remedied or else! Who Is Responsible? Every child is headed for adulthood 1 and for eternity. During childhood ! they are teachable; they can readily , be led to Christ for salvation. Then * God’s Word can be taught to them f and it will be remembered by thenvj The Christians of the world who have not been taking advantage of this opportunity are to b l a m e for the terrible conditions which exist. They, under God, are responsible to provide the remedy. God will hold us account­

ical Christianity has flourished are being swept with a wave of child delinquency and crime. This is

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