King's Business - 1946-06


THE K I N G ’ S 3 U S I N E S S

(or Good News Clubs), meeting In homes on week-days—one for each neighborhood, and also classés ' in schools, etc.; teacher training classes for teachers of these classes; rallies for children and conferences for adults; summer open air child evan­ gelism and summer camps. A great fund of literature has been made available for teaching children and teachers. The Vellogrâph visual aid method of teaching is widely used in the United States and on the for­ eign mission fields. The Child Evan­ gelism magazine, a twenty-eight page illustrated monthly, has a circulation of 11,000 and is sent to more than 1400 missionaries. The Child Evangelism Institute at Dallas, Texas, gives six months of specialized training for I.C.E.F. lead­ ership to college and Bible institute graduates and C.E.F. workers. There are forty-two in training this year, of which ten are volunteers for I.C.E.F. foreign work. Thirty-one full-time I.C.E.F. workers are either on foreign fields or are under appointment. The plan is to have one or more in each country, working there as at home through the fundamental missions and churches. The Radio Kids Bible Club broad­ casts over twenty-four stations, reach­ ing hosts of children with the salva­ tion message. Countless thousands of precious children have been truly born again. The New York City and Long Island C.E.F. reports that 1700 children accepted Christ in their last summer’s program and that there are one hundred conversions each week. The Task Barely Begun The I.C.E.F. is organized in nearly every large city in the United States and Canada, yet these organizations are winning only a small percentage of the unreached children. Chicago alone has 750,000 children who are in

BIBU-LOVING CHRISTIANS Robert L. Evans R ecently I was asked what I con­ sidered the Ch u r c h’s present need. I answered, “More Bible-loving Christians.” This is especially evident among our young people. We mean, young men and women need to take the Bible as God’s final Word of authority to them in all things pertaining to religion and morals; to believe it without question; to love it with sincerity; to study it regularly; and to follow its guidance implicitly. Of course, this implies the acceptance of the Saviour whom the Bible reveals. ■ Unto all such the Bible will eventu­ ally become more than a book of rare interest, for it will give them joy when life otherwise would be drab. It will give them wisdom and understanding at life’s great cross­ roads. It will bring comfort in the time of their sorrows, and it will impart strength in the day of trial. Like Jesus, they will find the sources of their life in the Word that comes from the mouth of God. It was Jesus who cited the Old Testament state­ ment: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that pro- ceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Although Jesus had only the Old Testament, He regarded it as the au­ thoritative Word of His Father, and based all of His actions upon it. At the early age of twelve, He was in the temple, s t u d y i n g the sacred writings with the learned doctors, and confounding them with His searching questions. H i s first s e r m o n at Nazareth was but an exposition of the first part of the sixty-first chapter of Isaiah. In His terrible conflict with Satan, His only w e a p o n against temptation was the Wo r d of God. Each time He met the tempter with the words, “It is written.” He warned the carping Pharisees, “The scriptures cannot be broken.” Luke states in the twenty-fourth chapter of his Gospel that, in giving His last message to His disciples before His ascension, Jesus opened “their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.” So, from t h e beginning of His ministry to its close, Jesus was a lover of the Word. Every event In connection with His death was but the fulfillment of the sacred Scrip­ tures (Matt. 26:54; 27:9; John 19:24, 28, 36). He died according to the Scriptures, and arose according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3, 4). Hence, if we would be f r u i t f u l and joyous Christians, we must be Bible-loving Christians, giving the same place in our life to the Word of God that Jesus did; for we will never be what God desires us to be, unless the Bible, the Word of God, becomes to us what it was to Jesus Christ.

WHITHER BOUND? Are you helping to turn them in the right direction ?

no Sunday school. In the North Cen­ tral C.E.F. area, comprising Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Illinois, there are 310 cities with a population of over 5,000. Less than ten per cent of these have C.E.F. organizations. In the Province of Quebec, Canada, there are 569 villages with not a single known Protestant Christian. Is it any won­ der that the apostasy is nearing? Pray and work and give for the evangelization of the precious lambs!

A Typical Home Child Evangelism Class

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