King's Business - 1946-06


JUNE, 1946

tent by UNRRA. Dr. Roberts, in a recent letter, reported that crowds of refugees from all parts of China go through Changsha daily and stop from a day to a week on our campus. This furnishes an opportunity for evange­ lism, and Dr. Roberts is making the most of it. Pray that God will use the special evangelistic services for the salvation of many souls. It is our earnest desire and hope that school may begin in the fall. The student body may be small in number for a year or so, but we are sure that as soon as the news of the reopening of school spreads abroad, hundreds will be seeking admission. Mrs. Rob­ erts will join her husband in China as soon as conditions permit. Mr. J. Rus­ sell Davis, another member of the fac­ ulty, is already there, and Mrs. Davis and their two children will leave for China within two months. God is working in a marvelous way, and by His grace, we take this step of faith, and as we look into the future, claim many precious Chinese for Christ. ★ ★ Gideons QOME interesting statistics are avail- ^ able about this progressive, yet theologically conservative, laymen’s movement. During the period of the last war, no less than nine million well-bound and well-printed Testa­ ments were put into the hands of our servicemen. How much of eternal value was accomplished by these cop­ ies of the Word of God, no one in this life will ever know, but it is entirely safe to say that many thousands of souls will be in the Gloryland through this magnificent work of distribution. The new work to which the Gideons have set their hand is the printing and distribution of forty million New Testaments for the youth of our land. Already these Testaments are coming off the press, and reports show that, from a number of test cases, 100 per cent of students in the schools desired them. The cost for this large task will amount to fourteen million dollars, but this huge sum does not dismay the Gideons. It is their avowed intention to pray and work until this task is accomplished. One thing that is definitely notice­ able in connection with these drives by the Gideons is their personal gener­ osity. Very rarely does a Gideon meet­ ing conclude without their passing the collection plate to their own members on behalf of the work which they rep­ resent. Then, again, the Gideons, while representing almost all denom­ inations, seem to fellowship together in the most delightful way, their dif­ ferences being minimized and their points of agreement being stressed. Our prayer for this fine organization will continue to be that God’s gracious blessing may be their portion.

tal to the real purpose of the Army’s existence—the salvation of souls? Someone please correct me if I am wrong. ★ ★ Hurry! TITE ARE nearing the first anniver- ’ ' sary of V-J Day when, through God’s grace, we saw the end of the bloodiest, bitterest, and costliest war in history. During the long, dull days of the conflict, many of God’s children prom­ ised Him that the day of victory, with war restrictions lifted, would see them actively engaged in the things which count for God. Churches and pastors covenanted together that when it would be possible, they would assume the responsibility of sending addi­ tional missionaries into the foreign fields. Young people, who were at that time shackled by war work, or de­ tained in the armed services, made a vow to God that, when they regained their liberty, they would set their faces toward definite Christian service. Now the war is over; restrictions are h thing of the past; doors long closed are wide open. But the heartbreaking thing is that Christians and churches alike have forgotten their solemn vows, and are sinking back into their old lethargy. We must look around, and see the signs of impending dan­ ger once more. Now is the day to press the battle for God. Now is the hour to send an army of Christian soldiers to every mission field in the world. The watchword is “Advance!” The time may be short. God has given us an­ other “ breathing spell” before civiliza­ tion crashes under its own weight of sin. Let us hurry. Let us not delay. Let every Christian feel the sense of the imminence of the closing days of our age. Let pastors with their people rise from inactivity to perform telling service in evangelism. We must hurry! ★ ★ News From China Most of our readers know that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is also responsible for another complete Bible Institute in the heart of China. Almost a year ago, Dr. Charles Roberts was dispatched to do what he could to get the buildings temporarily repaired in preparation for the resumption of school. Word reaches us almost every week concerning the progress of re­ habilitation. China is in a very disorganized state. Millions of her people during the long war years were compelled to move into unoccupied territory in order to save their lives. This means that now thousands of displaced persons are en­ deavoring to return to their former homes. The campus of the Hunan Bi­ ble Institute is being used to some ex­

definitely on the lighter side, and per­ haps the testimonies in some cases lack the backing of sound experience. But don’t forget, please, that without pretense or subterfuge, literally hun­ dreds of thousands of young people are meeting weekly in gatherings which openly and honestly honor the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. While there may be a good deal of fanfare, and some fun, there is always that serious message which presents Christ as the perfect answer to the young person’s need. Remember, too, that already there are reliable statistics to prove that conversions are genuine. Any movement with this result is worthy of prayerful support. “Youth for Christ” is a definite re­ buke to the indifference of many churches to the need of young people. It is a clarion call to a re-dedication to the task of attracting youth to Christ. It is not surprising that it has made enemies. But we believe that today “Youth for Christ” enjoys the blessing and favor of God, and with that, nothing else matters. May it be kept in the center of His blessed will! ★ ★ Salvation Army Expands TV/TANY “news releases” come to the desk of an editor. Among those which recently reached us is one ex­ plaining the new nation-wide post­ war program now launched by the Salvation Army. With the stirring slogan, “Marching Forward to a Bet­ ter World,” more ban 5,000 Salvation Army officers will direct this cam­ paign. Eight general objectives are out­ lined: character-building for youth; aid to veterans; emergency aid to service personnel; aid to servicemen at home and abroad; service in police courts; inclusion of smaller towns; additional training for leadership; re­ habilitation of Salvation Army work in war-ravaged countries. All of these things are necessary and commend­ able. > But a feeling of regret filled the heart of the editor as he read this re­ port. Where is the emphasis on preaching the Gospel to the lost? Is there to be no advance in street meet­ ings? Is there to be no inclusion of missionary effort at home or abroad? What about a call to pray that God’s power may again come, upon the Sal­ vation Army? Where is the spiritual note? Where is the old-time passion for souls? Don’t misunderstand me. We be­ lieve in free doughnuts and clothing the needy. We believe in the provi­ sion of shelters for “down and outs.” We approve of rescue homes for way­ ward girls. But are not all of these charities merely a means to an end— the reaching of the unsaved for Christ? Are not these things inciden­

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