King's Business - 1946-06


JUNE, 1946

with him either for release or relief. He spoke directly to the king con­ cerning the doctrine he preached and made an appeal to the king only after Agrippa had revealed his interest. Note that he took advantage of the situation to explain fully the doc­ trines he preached and the commis­ sion which he had received. Thus he won the king’s attention and respect. 2. PAUL’S PRESENTATION OF THE MESSAGE., 1 Cor. 1:2-4. Paul did not resort to trickery in his preaching. He told the Story of his own conversion clearly and plainly. Each messenger of God should be able to tell how he passed from death to life and from darkness to light. Paul told the king the message he was to deliver as God gave it to him. He was courteous, but firm and decisive. His message concerned t h e Person of Christ Jesus. He gave the message boldly everywhere he went and made no effort to conceal the precious truth of God. Paul spoke of eternal things in a way that brought the influence _of eternity to bear upon the heart of this influential politician. 3. PAUL’S DESCRIPTION OF HIM­ SELF. Phil. 3:4-12. Paul could say what he pleased in Agrippa’s presence, for the king had given him permission to speak (Acts 26:1). Paul did not tell Agrippa about his skill as a tent maker, or of his ability as a lawyer. He did not speak of his noble birth or of his successful calling. Paul considered that all of these things were inferior. He wit­ nessed at once to his position in Israel and the doctrines that he preached. Then he related how his life was sud­ denly changed by a vision from Heaven. He told of his visit with the risen Christ. He was not afraid of the jeers or sneers of those who did not believe in the supernatural (the Sad- ducees). He was indifferent to the opinions of those in the courtroom. He rejoiced to tell all that Christ had changed his life. He wanted the king to know his Saviour, 4. PAUL’S ATTITUDE TOWARD HIS COMMISSION. Acts 26:19. There was never any question in Paul’s mind about what he was to say or to whom he should say it. The Lord had told him to deliver His message and His name before kings, and here was his opportunity to do i f (Acts 9:15). Never once did Paul deviate from the work entrusted to him. In this crucial hour when his life was at stake, he boldly proclaimed the Person and the work of Christ for the needs of King Agrippa. He omitted nothing. He spoke directly to the king with the message God had given him about the sufferings of Christ, His resurrection, and the light that Christ gives even to kings. Let us learn to be true to this trust



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