King's Business - 1946-06


JUNE, 1946

being happy, they became angry, and made Jesus leave Nazareth at once. Some people say that they can worship God as well at home or at the beach or in the mountains as they can in church. We can worship God anywhere, but His children need to be in His house each week. Just as a coal quickly dies when it is taken away from the other coals in the fire, so God’s children become cold in their love for Him when they do not wor­ ship with other Christians. If God’s Son felt that He should attend God’s house each week, surely we need to go that often, too. The Saviour said, “It is written: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” (Luke 4:8). Each week God’s children should attend His house where they can wor­ ship Him and serve Him with other Christians. LESSON FOR JULY 28, 1946 The Supremacy of Spiritual Values LESSON MATERIAL: Ex. 20:7: Lev. 19: 12: Matt. 5:33-37: Mark 7:5-8 : 8:34-36. GOLDEN TEXT: “ Seek ye first the king­ dom of God, and his righteousness: and all these things shalt be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). Outline and Exposition ' I. T he F oundation of S piritual V alues (Ex. 20:7; L ev . 19:12; M att . 5:33-37) One’s name involves his character. The name of God represents His at­ tributes. “In vain” means vanity or mere nothingness, and also deception, or a lying use of words backed by an oath. Such uses of God’s name profane it (Lev. 19:12). Not only is disrespect shown to God’s name, but there is also profanation of Heaven, His throne; of earth, His footstool; of Jerusalem, the city of the great King; of man him­ self (Matt. 5:33-36). Hence, the spir­ itual value of speech must be recog­ nized. It should be used without dou­ ble meaning or hidden reservations. Yea should be yea, and nay, nay. ■jag T he C ounterfeit of S piritual V alues (M ark 7:5-8) The worship of the Pharisees was condemned by Jesus (vs. 5, 6). It was all an outward religion while the in­ ward realities were overlooked. It was mere “lip” worship, offered by those whose hearts were far from the God they professed to worship. The doctrine of the Pharisees was also condemned by Jesus (vs. 7, 8). Theirs were the commandments of men. God’s commandments were su­ perseded by men’s traditions. The Pharisees were occupied merely with outward washings, while the inward cleansing was overlooked. This was only a counterfeit of true spiritual values.

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