King's Business - 1946-06


JUNE, 1946

nd the mon & nday School or outh Groups to every ome. Distribute regu­ larly... results will amaze you. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL DR. WILLARpM. ALDRICH, Editar P. O. Box 1-B Vancouver, Waeh I

THE BUSINESS OF THE BELIEVER “Occupy [do business] till I come.*' This article is copied from the first page of the first issue of the King’s Business ever to be pub­ lished . . . Vol. 1, No. 1, printed Jan. 1910. No name is signed, but without doubt it is from the pen of Dr. T. G. Horton, one of the men of God, who founded the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. TT IS enough that the disciple shall t be as his Lord. Our Lord was a business man. “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work,” are His words. What ceaseless energy was manifested by Him “who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.” While He lived here, He labored hard. When He left the world, He laid the burden of service upon His followers. In the parable of the pounds, the Lord represents Himself as the noble­ man going into a far country. To His servants He commanded, “Occupy [do business] till I come.” The supreme business in this world is that which a loving Lord has com­ mitted to His servants—the giving of the glorious Gospel to a perishing people. This work was not left to the Church in a general sort of a way, so that no one is especially responsible for it, but in a definite way, so that there is an individual responsibility for it. It is a personal business. Every serv­ ant has some pounds. “To every man . . . his work.” “The . .. Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will,” but there is an every man in that di­ vision. “Every one . . . shall give ac­ count of himself.” There are no excep­ tions. It is a practical business. There has been a good deal of nonsense about this matter sof- spreading the Gospel and telling out the story of salvation. There has been a tendency to shift the responsibility upon a favored class, to evade the personal relation under the cover of a prevailing belief that cer­ tain qualifications are essential to the work, and that not possessing them was sufficient excuse for non­ service. Every believer is an author­ ized ambassador from the Court of Heaven to do business here on this mundane sphere. He is empowered and directed to deliver the King's mes­ sage to the people. He is not respon­ sible for the message, but will be held to a strict account for the delivery of it. Education, special equipment, en­ vironment and a lot of other things play no part in this matter. Education, equipment a n d environment may largely increase the responsibility, but the obligation is upon each and all to stress the story to the people. Some of the most successful agents of the


k Exter A testi A Su A Yc h m


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Lord are poorly equipped from the world’s viewpoint, but God uses them. The business is simple. Get your mes­ sage, go and deliver it. So long as a man or woman lives anywhere in the world who has never heard of Christ and the Cross, every believer is obli­ gated to get the Gospel to him.: It is a paying business. Does it pay? Yes, a thousand times yes—good, re­ liable dividends. There "Is a sense of satisfaction, a real joy in doing the will of God in this business which nothing else gives. It is the incom­ parable work. It pays now and will bring returns throughout eternity. The Lord help us to attend to our busi­ ness which is His business.

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