King's Business - 1946-06

t h i s $64 d o l l a r question challenges Dr. I r o n s i d e t o 362 amazingly clear and i nteresti ng answers. Practical, spiritual re* plies to ¡ust about every t r oubl es ome question are well in* dexed. I mmedi at el y available to the high- schooler or his Pastor, these are answers that ANSWER!

This Great Book * hi/DrironsidetoallNewMembers

Dr. Ironside ministers in the city where the A-Bomb was "dreamed up", but his "Answer" to skep­ tics is no less devastating!

FULL OF W H A T YOU READ ! s Vital Christianity produces a living, moving literature, spiritual magnesium flares that enflame every ^ lagging heart they touch. We need a little flame today, and Sword Book Club will feature only such books as these! You may select from these choice books ¡ust what you need—and at a considerable saving to yourself. Also with every fourth book you will receive a fifth book absolutely free. See this month's top-flight books below. MONTHLY SELECTION SWORD BOOK CLUB JUDGES

Fascinating mystery in pre-war intrigue, Palestinian foment, pagan scheming, and counter-e s p i o na g e exploded when "The S h r e d of Nicode- mus" was discovered an d r o c k e d t h e Christian's faith.

V. Raymond Edman, Ph.D., LL.D., Presi­ dent, W h e a t o n College, Wheaton, Illinois.

Robert G. Lee, D. D., LL.D. Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee.

Louis T. Talbot, D. D., Pastor, Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia.

H. A. Ironside, D. D., Lift. D.j Pastor, Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, Illinois.

$ 2 .00

Stellar names every one. Sword Book Club Judges are men of pulpit fame and literary accomplishment in conservative Christian circles. Together with the men pictured above they are: Drs. Hyman J. Appelman, John W. Bradbury, Henrv Hepburn, Torrey M. Johnson, Z. T. Johnson, Bob Jones, Jr., Hon. Pat M. Neff, T. Roland Phillips, John R. Rice, Robert J. Wells. IT’S EASY TO JOIN Read club plan in the coupon below. Fill out your coupon very legibly so that your first Club News will be properly addressed. Slip the coupon in an envelope with your check or M. O., and send it off. In four days, Watch for the mailman! Here's the coupon. SWORD BOOK CLUB, 214 W . Wesley, Wheaton, III. Depfc Please enroll me. as a member of the SWORD BOOK CLUB and send "What's The Answer" as your gift to me. My first selection is..........."Mystery of Mar Saba" ...^~~."Miracles of Science". Enclosed is $..................... for my selection. As a member I need not accept every Club selection; I agree only to purchase at least four Club selections each year I am a member. Every fourth Club selection I purchase will be accompanied by the current Dividend Book. Please let my membership continue without renewal from year to year, or until I cancel it, any time after my first four books. Please send me without charge The SWORD BOOK CLUB NEWS previewing all your forthcoming books. M-21

True Science end the Scriptures never con­ flict— and he proves it 40 times. Natural Sciences strengthen Christians' faith and challenge unbeliev­ ers to reconsider the Savior. $ 2 .00

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