
Flooded basins raise concerns about roads  gŏđŏ

potential for flooding, fast flowing water and the associated risks.

The agency encourages the public to visit to provide feedback

with respect to changes in water related conditions in their local areas.



Area residents living near water courses are keeping a close eye on water levels these days. Some roads in low-lying areas in the South Nation River watershed were flooded Tues- day. Water levels were expected to peak in the Alfred Plantagenet area between We- dnesday afternoon to Thursday morning. Meanwhile, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge offi- cials were keeping an eye on the Rouge River. Already, certain sections of municipal roads have been temporarily submerged, related Councillor Claude Cadieux, pres- ident of the roads committee, at Tuesday’s meeting. Flooding is a spring tradition, however, on June 29 of 2013 a landslide occurred on the Rouge River Road. South Nation Conservation (SNC) reports that all the stream gauge stations in the wa- tershed are reporting above normal water level for this time of year. Due to the warmer temperatures expe- rienced this week, the snow pack is gradual- ly reducing. However, the remaining snow on the ground is higher in water content and will increase run-off. In addition, ice covered areas have de- creased in the last two days, however, the ice sheet remains in several areas of the watershed, increasing the potential for ice jamming. In addition to flooding, there is also potential for blocked storm drains, catch basins and culverts which may also cause localized flooding. Residents are advised to stay away from rivers as rain and higher temperatures may rapidly increase river flows, cause slippery river banks, and weakened ice cover. Pa- rents are encouraged to explain these dan- gers to their children. SNC cautions residents to be aware of the

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