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When you choose a school, you need to know some important facts about it. Will it provide you with a good education? Does it have a good track record? Where does it stand on im portant issues? These and other questions are of critical concern to you. You need to know if this school is worthy of your trust. At Moody Bible Institute, we point to al most 100 years of careful obedience to the Word of God. We teach the Bible and other subjects in the light of Biblical truth. With the century of adherence to the Bible comes 100 years of practical teaching experience — JJHIIIH"" a"solid achievement. Our aim is to prepare /</; young people for Christ’s service, wherever’ that service may take them. Moody grads have served the Lord with dis tinction for many years throughout the world.
Moody has been a leader in contemporary methods, especially in Missionary Aviation and Broadcasting. Our goal has been, and still is, for student and teacher alike, to be found worthy. We can prepare you for a fulfilling career with majors such as Pastoral Studies, Missions, Missionary Aviation. Christian Education, Music, Communications, and more Is Moody Bible Institute worthy ofyour trust? Thousands have found it so. We think vou will too! For more information call 312 329-4266 to day or write to: miiiii .. ....... ~ "lir (T IO O D Y B IR L E in ST ITU T E 820 N LA SALLE DRIVE.CHICAGO.IL 60610 II
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