ROBERT GRAY DEAN OF STUDENTS Congratulations! You have finished ‘this race.’ A new one is about to begin. Twenty years from now; what will you have accomplished for the Lord? Whom will you have influenced? “Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm” (Daniel 6:3). My prayer is that the spirit will excel in you as it did in Daniel, and your life and ministry will be an evidence of the spirit working in you.
RAY NAMIE DIRECTOR OF EVANGELISM Praise God for the class of ’85. Your enthusiasm for souls has been exciting and my prayer is that it will continue ’til you are “finally Home.” C. T. Studd made a remarkable committment to his God. May you always reflect his com ment, “Some went to live within the sound of a church or chapel bell; I went to run a rescue ship within a yard of Hell.” Be good captains of that ship.
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