Get ready . . . Get set. . . It ’s time fo r . . . The Friendly Feud!
It’s time for the Friendly Feud! Introducing the Wicks Fami ly: Maria, Joe, Cindy, Bernardo and Papa Wicks. Introducing the Miller Family: Mary Jane, Cindy, John, and Papa Miller. And here is the star of the show . . . David Payne. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the WOLBI version of the classic family confrontation of intelligence and wit. Is there any better way to once and for all decide which instructor really is infallible? For over an hour, the two teams battled with the lead boun cing back and forth, making the suspense almost unbearable. Questions like, “How many chips in a WOL chocolate chip cookie?” and “Who eats the most of all the WOLBI students?” had the teams baffled. In the end, after the smoke had cleared, the Miller family came out on top, waving fran tically, the winning tickets worth a dollar at the snack shack. u l im u l i r u u
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