JA2018 Junior Alleynian

I am the wall and walls have ears

*BNBMXBZTBXBSF OFWFSBTMFFQ*OBMM the time I have been alive since I was built I have never witnessed something as dreadful as this. I’ve been through sieges and wards but never a regicide until now. It was atrocious, and the memory is as clear as a crystal, but the story must be told… As darkness fell, all changed. It was UIFXJUDIJOHIPVS5IFIPVSXIFOBMM JTEBSL XIFOBMMHPPEJTBTMFFQ5IF moon, releasing gloomy light on the world, was like the lanterns that hung from the barbican. All the moonlight was illuminating a castle, the mysterious $BTUMF(MBNT*UXBTBXPSMEPGJUTPXO  cloaked in mist. Coal black ravens NPOPQPMJ[FEUIFDBTUMFCBUUMFNFOUT%FFQ inside the castle evil was afoot, something JOUIFGPSNPGUXPXIJTQFSJOHQSFEBUPST It was curious that the two shadowy ˌHVSFTJOUIFDPVSUZBSE XIPDBMMFE UIFNTFMWFT.BDCFUIBOE-BEZ.BDCFUI DPVMEQMPUBXBZTVDIEFWJMSZXJUIPVUBOZ

fear of being overheard. If they knew I was listening, they would be infuriated. 5IFZXFSFQMBOOJOHBEFFE BEFFEUP CFDPNFLJOH5IFZXPVMENVSEFSUIFLJOH and his sons that night and then frame the HVBSET*UXBTBOJOHFOJPVTQMBO CVUB QMBOEFTUJOFEUPHPXSPOH0OMZJGQFPQMF could understand me I could forewarn the unfortunate king but sadly he met his ill- fated fortune. "UEBXO -BEZ.BDCFUIDSFQUMJLFBNPVTF VQUP,JOH%VODBOnTSPPNBOEHBWFUIF HVBSETBKBSPGESVHHFEXJO5IFHVBSET BDDFQUFEUIJTTVTQJDJPVTMZCVUDPVMEOPU SFTJTUUIFDBMMPGUIFXJOF-BEZ.BDCFUI raced to the bell tower and rang the bell UXPTIBSQUJNFT/PX.BDCFUIDPVMELJMM UIFLJOHBOENVSEFSIJNJOUIFEFQUIT PG%VODBOnTTMFFQ5IFO*XJUOFTTFEUIF thrust of the knife into the monarch’s kind heart. I see, I hear, and I know. I am the wall and the walls have ears. Laurence Skinner


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