JA2018 Junior Alleynian

‘The physics talk was mind blowing but amazing at the same time. Altogether I had a great day. Thank you.’ TIME

Q 5IFTFDPOE4ZNQPTJVN XJUI+"14QSPWFEUPCF just as successful and fun BTUIFˌSTU EFTQJUFUIF UFSSJCMFXFBUIFS5IFUIFNF UIJTZFBSXBTm5JNF nBOE the children moved round a succession of activities throughout the day FYQMPSJOHUIJTJOTPNBOZ EJˋFSFOUDPOUFYUT*GBOZPOF XBTGFFMJOHBQQSFIFOTJWF about working with new DIJMESFOJOBEJˋFSFOUHSPVQ UIFJSGFBSTXFSFRVJDLMZ EJTQFMMFEEJTDVTTJPOT CFDBNFMJWFMZBTDPOˌEFODF increased. It was lovely UPTFFHSPVQTPGHJSMT and boys working really constructively together, focussed, engaged and thoughtful. By the end of the day every child had FYQFSJFODFEBSBOHFPG sessions that included FYQMPSJOHUJNFUISPVHI science, maths, history, DSFBUJWFBSUT TQPSU BOE QIZTJDBMBDUJWJUJFT.BOZ activities including the TQFFETUBDLFSTBU%VMXJDI College and the drumming BU+"14XFSFOFXUPNPTU and enjoyed by all. A huge UIBOLZPVUPUIF+"14 BOE%$TUBˋGPSNBLJOH this day so memorable, CVUFTQFDJBMMZUP.ST 4PVUIFSOBOE.JTT4DPUU who ensured the seamless organisation of events here JOUIF+VOJPS4DIPPM

‘I really enjoyed the Speed Stacking and learned how to use and improve my hand-eye coordination. It was good to learn about the Mayan language and civilisation.’


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