1-":*/580%":4 WHAT YOU WILL
Q In the Lent term the Year 5 boys QSPEVDFEBTVQFSC QFSGPSNBODFPG 4IBLFTQFBSFnT ‘What You Will’ in the Auditorium after just a day and a half of intense rehearsals. When embarking on UIJTQSPKFDUUIFCPZT knew that they had BDIBMMFOHJOHDPVQMF of days ahead of them, but they rose to the occasion when QFSGPSNJOHUIF NJOVUFQSPEVDUJPOUP UIFJSQBSFOUTBOEUIF Year 3 and 4 boys. 5IFˌOBMSFTVMUXBT NBHOJˌDFOU5IF boys embraced their SPMFTXJUIBQMPNC FTQFDJBMMZUIPTFXIP XFSFBTLFEUPTUFQ outside their comfort zones and act as female characters!
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