JA2018 Junior Alleynian


Dragon dreams… Dear Diary,

Emma and I were standing across from London Bridge waiting for Big Ben to strike midnight when an extraordinary dragon ˍFXBDSPTTPVSQBUIBOETXPPQFEEPXO CFGPSFVT*UCFMMPXFEJOBEFFQWPJDFGPSVT UPIPQPO*XBT BUˌSTU WFSZUFSSJˌFEXIFO *HMJNQTFEJUTˌSTUBQQFBSBODF5IFTLJOPO UIFESBHPOXBTWFSZCVNQZBOETDBMZ "TUIFESBHPOˍFXVTBDSPTTUIF5IBNFT and out of London, I could see the tiny little lights below. Our journey continued and the QBDFPGUIFESBHPORVJDLFOFE8FDMVOH POUJHIUMZBTXFTQPUUFE.PVOU&WFSFTUJO the distance; this was later followed by the Amazon rainforest, the view was marvellous. 5IFESBHPOIBEOnUUIPVHITQPLFOGPSBMPOH time, but it soon informed us that we would return to London Bridge. We retraced our SPVUF FWFOTUPQQJOHPˋBUIJTMBJSdJUXBT CFBVUJGVM ˌMMFEXJUIEJBNPOEKFXFMTBOE PUIFSTQFDJBMPSOBNFOUT 8IFOXFˌOBMMZSFUVSOFEUP-POEPO#SJEHF it was already morning and the sun was awakening. I couldn’t believe it! We strolled back home and had breakfast, telling the whole family what a night we had FYQFSJFODFE5IBUXBTDFSUBJOMZUIFNPTU memorable night I have ever had in my life!

Dear Diary,

It was wonderful…utterly wonderful, soaring above mankind, leaving everything behind. 8FXFSFˍZJOHBCPWFUIFFBSUI VQUISPVHI the clouds, the taste of fresh air swelling in my nostrils. Nothing could beat this, but where were we going? I had no idea as the dragon beat his wings, carrying me on those EJBNPOEMJLFXJOHT*GFMUGSFF XJOETXFQU even. Weightless! Dawn was breaking, the dragon’s outline shimmering above the rising sun. Now XFXFSFˍZJOHBCPWFFODIBOUFEXBUFST TXBSNJOHXJUIQFPQMFBOEXFMBOEFESJHIU POUIFTOPXZQFBLPGBNPVOUBJO*BXPLF from the marvellous dream, or did I?

Jonah Norris

Michael Abayomi


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