JA2018 Junior Alleynian

BIG SHIFT WEEK Q 5IF#JH4IJGU&DPXFFL allowed all boys across the College to attend a whole TFSJFTPGFWFOUTUPIFMQ

JNQSPWFUIFJSFDPJNQBDU +VOJPS4DIPPMCPZTLJDLFE PˋUIFXFFLCZNBLJOHB QMFEHFUPUSBWFMUPTDIPPM in a more sustainable NBOOFS5IJTXBTGPMMPXFE by numerous events for the CPZT*BO8JOHˌFMEGSPN 4PVUIXBSLDPVODJMDBNFUP talk about Environmental QPMJDZBOE.BUUIFX)JMM talked about our highways BOEUIFGVUVSFPGUSBOTQPSU JO-POEPO3HBWFVT an amazing assembly BCPVU4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ CPZTQBSUJDJQBUFEJOUIF Fixed Bike racing event; MPDBMQSJNBSZTDIPPM children came to join our Year 3s in doing EJˋFSFOUTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ BDUJWJUJFTXJUI46453"/4 JODMVEJOHUIFFYDFMMFOU #.9EFNPOTUSBUJPO  Year 4 boys discovered the mysteries of waste SFDZDMJOHBUUIF4PVUIXBSL recycling centre; and there were visits from the Police and Fire Brigade. %S(SJˎUITPSHBOJTFEBO excellent week for the boys; they are now much better informed about how they can be more sustainable in the choices they make on a day to day basis.


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