Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1995


Becca Robinson and An­ gel Comer enjoy hanging out together during study hours.

Coming to the Word of Life Bible Institute has been a challenging experience in many ways. The program itself accompanied by the rig­ orous schedule of classes, homework, and work

apply themselves to their academics. In a nut- r shell being on the Dean’s High Honor list means studying with a friend or “Special Someone’’ in “Jack’s” or possibly outside and

assignment make it hard to juggle in my daily life a social life, not to mention dating!! Through all of this it was a great relief to find that at the end of the first quarter I had a 3.50 ... right on the dot!! Here at Word of Life this means —

other such places more con­ genial to the satisfaction of one’s senses rather than study­ ing at the desk in your room which screams monotony... It could also mean leaving cam­ pus for the evening or just staying around the gymnasi­ um playing a game of bas­

Whoever acquires knowledge and does not use it is like one who plows but does not sow. — Saadi

NO REQUIRED STUDY HOURS!!! This is definitely one policy that WOLBI has that can be most enjoyable when and if students

ketball or volleyball. I must say having a 3.50 or higher makes life at WOLBI much more relaxed. — Brandon Young. (Dean’s List)

m ' 106 Dean’s Honors

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