SPIRIT WEEK After weeks and months of wearing the same type of clothing to each class, we finally got a break. Spirit week was here and we were able to show our true colors during school. Spirit week started off with International Day and we were dressed up in the various attires of the different countries. Wednesday brought Twin/Clash Day. Almost everyone got in on this but perhaps the best pair of twins
were Tracey Fox and Lisa Hen derson (even crutches & a fake cast). Thursday was Staff Imper sonation Day and we were all priv ileged to have Joe Jordan alias Glen Ackerman in class with us. Many Denise Headdings and Coach Bal- sleys also showed up. Even an elite few of Susanne Hidalgo spared her time from the business office to
It was great to have a break from the routine,”
attend. Friday ended it all with Dorm Spirit Day. The most spirited dorm team was the Asian Turkeys. Also, individual prizes were given to Naoto Yano, who did an interesting impersonation of a Hawaiian tourist and Mr. Hobbs, and Angelis Ulloa, who makes a beautiful hippie, for the most spirited people. The winning dorms were treated to a pizza party for the excellent participation. Overall, Spirit week was a great break from the routine and everyone did a great job on their outfits.
Spirit Week
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