CLASSES Why would one choose to take a year off and study only the Bible? The answer to that question can be found in the spoken words of David in Psalm 119. We are told God's Word is like a lamp making bright the path on which we travel as we journey along the treacherous roads of life (vs. 105). Also hiding God’s Word in one’s heart keeps a person from sinning (vs. 11) and going astray (vs.67). The study of the Bible causes one to have much greater wisdom and understanding than those who do not know of the truths found in God’s Word and the application of those truths (vs.98-100). There are many more things God’s Word is to the student thereof, among a few are: pure (vs.l40), a delight (vs.47), and sweet (vs. 103). It is apparent to the Christian that studying the Word of God is a very profitable and wise thing to do. The classes at the Bible Institute help in aiding the Christian to study God’s Word in a very practical and exegetical way. Our two main professors are Mr. Marshall Wicks and Mr. Tom Davis. They have taught Bible Survey and Theology as well as Mr. Wicks teaching Revelation and Mr. Davis teaching Romans for two weeks each. Combined with the guest lecturers we have had top of the line Bible courses.
ALeft: Brandon Young appears to be awake, but the trained eyes of the RA’s realize his farce is far from convincing...
A Right: During the ten minute breaks between classes students stand down by the lake and enjoy breathing in the fresh air.
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