DINING HALL The time is 1:50 the bell has rung, a good indicator it is time for lunch, your stomach has been making strange noises for the last two Survey classes (much to your embarrassment) and the last thing you want to have to sit through is an nouncement time, but you endure... Just when you think your sell-control has diminished to the point of absolute non-existence you are dismissed. You bolt out the door to see what is eagerly awaiting in the lunch line to tantalize your tas- tebuds. The feeling is all too familiar here, we have all felt the same impatient call to the dining room, a call ending in satisfaction as you see the menu for the day is an agreeable one, or the sometimes all too familiar “other” call. Meals in the dining room consist of two main ingredients, social interaction and the supplementation of the body’s daily need for nutrition.
A Jason Grahame returns his empty plate to the dishpit. A Brian Peters ponders the possibility of not being able to finish his taco salad but soon dismisses the thought and wonders how he could have ever dreamed of not eating what he had taken.
Jeff Mickle is astounded by how wonderful the food tastes.
Dining Hall
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