A Jen Beams and Jen Kline rake time away from their Captain Crunch to smile for the camera. ◄ It’s not an easy job to be the clicker girl and have to control hundreds of starving WOLB1 students. Bo Stawicki & Solveig Olsen
“One of the best things about meal time is the opportunity for fellowship.”
A It’s kind of hard to smile for the camera and chew at the same time huh? Clockwise: Kelly Shields, Andy Armstrong, Traci Harrison, and Hope Thompson. ▼ Funny faces and rabbit ears are just a couple of things WOLBI students find entertaining. Clockwise: Talitha Allen, Woody Decasere, Nate Thomas, Joe Sampley, and Jamie Anderson. A Tim Johnson would like the whole world to know how good his biscuits are - thanks Tim!
Dining Hall
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