Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1995

Our Fearless Leaders BI & SYME STUDENT COUNCIL

SYME Officers: Jeff Gordon-President, Brian Baker-Vice President, Brett Shilton-Chaplain, and Stacy Bickings- Secretary.

BI Officers: Rob Reinebach-President, Wayne Vander- wier-Vice President, Glen Ackerman-Chaplain, Ben Kerns-Missions Vice President, and Tracy Evans- Secretary.

fulfill their duties and meet the needs of the student body. As Rob Reinebach reflects back on his experience he states, "I have seen much

In Romans 13:1 Paul states, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are

growth in my own life and in the life of our stu­ dent body. I can proudly say that our class has be­ come "united in spirit" and "intent on one pur­ pose." The purpose being "to know Him"; that is to be like Christ. Philippians

ordained of God." As Paul tells us, God puts people in leadership positions. If He did not, the world would be in disarray. We need people who have the ability to take charge, and lead us on the right path toward our goals. At the beginning of the

2:2, 3:10. I challenge you to strive after that purpose all your life until that day we meet Him in Heaven. I praise God for this class."

year, the WOLBI student body chooses the individuals they desired to lead us through the year. Each of these leaders did their very best to

BI/SYME Officers

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