Word of Life’s Christmas production, known as The Sights & Sounds of Christmas begins set in the 1940’s recalling many memories of Christmas's of generations past. It transitions into an entertaining section featuring Toy Land, the 12 Days of Christmas and The Little Drummer Boy. The stage is then set for the birth of Jesus Christ. The wise menjcame from afar and the shepherds came from their fields to see the newborn King.
were you- BLESSED? God provided me with the amazing opportunity to be
involved in The Sights my second year being allowed me to share in this ministry again. Assistant as well as a
and Sounds of Christmas. This was a part of it and I am so thankful God was a Resident collegian, so it was a blessing getting
to know my girls more and to see them grow through the ministry we all had on and off of the stage. This production is very close to my heart because God allowed me to see so many lives changed when so many stepped forward to make decisions for Christ. Being a Collegian and receiving the pleasure of being a part of Sights and Sounds was a blessing in a variety of ways because God taught me countless things. It was a lot of work, but ultimately a lot of fun because so many people came to the Lord through this ministry. -Amy Benson
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