- Jordan Bush is the dad telling us all the rules, Steve Frey is the mom - cleaning everything, I'm like the brother, chillin’ and Mitch Holmes is like the family dog - happy, relaxed, likes to eat. We had fun times dressing up for “Throw-back Thursdays, Bow-Tie Tuesdays,” and sharing the rick ety chair! - Aaron Washington
Back: Jack Weight, Robbie Melton, Stefano Troja, Phil Scott, Mark Edmunds Front: Jeremy Williamson, Dan Shay, David Gray
Dorm life was great - finding different ways to have fun - dressing up crazy, sharing clothes, stories, prayer, deep thought, everything! We became really great friends and did everything together! - Danielle Southerland & Kristin Carr
"The stronger guys lifting up the weak The diversity of the guys in my dorm taught me perseverance and how to encourage others. The stronger guys lifting up the weak. It taught me that I had to be a servant first to be able to be a leader. -Grant Zahurance
Laura Evison, Katie Hoeft, Sharon Young, Jess Kuhn, Brianna Murray, and Rebecca Petz
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