Building Friendships
The dorm makes you build friend ships with people that you wouldn’t normally. The tight schedules makes you depend on God for strength. One of the funniest times we had was when Steven Bouyer tried to get out of the top bunk and his foot slipped off the desk and he landed on his face with his foot caught in the chair. He wasn’t hurt but had the best sur prised expression on his face! - Phil Johnson
Christi Perry, Rachel VanNoller, Lyndi Kersh Deanna Snell, Heather Crowell, Liz Walchle
Coming here from South Korea, I thought there would be culture shock, but my roommates helped me learn vocabulary and explained a lot about life here so there was no culture shock. -Hee-Jung “Doris" Lim I
Doris Lim, Ashley Giddens, Jess Mason, Belle Gozalez, Megan Livingston, Heather Gladden
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